Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


INDEX TO THE PORTRAITS, ETC. 487 G No. Page GEORGE1 11.-Appendix ....... ... .. .. .. cccxxx 477 George IIL, Profile ...................... cccxxxi 477 Gilchrist, David, one of the City Tronmen. ... . . . ... ... . . . .. . .. . . . , .. . .. . . .. .. .ccxxiv 155 Gillespie, James, Esq. of Spylaw. ... ... ccxliv 218 Gillespie, Mr. John ...... ... .. . . . . . . . ... .. .ccxliv 218 Gillies, Adam, Lord Gillies.. ... .. . . . . . . .cccxii 418 Gillies, Adam, Lord Gillies ... ... .. , . , .cccxxvi 462 Gould, Sergeant-Major Patrick .. . .. .. .clxxxv 43 “ Government, Petticoat ”. . . . ... ... , . .ccxlviii 232 Grant,General James,of Ballindalloch clxxviii 22 Grant, Dr. Gregory. ........................ ccviii 109 Grant, Isaac, Esq., of Hilton. ............ ccxxi 149 Grant, Hon. Francis William, of Grant, Colonel of the Inverness-shire Militia . . . . . . . . ... . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cccxviii 433 Grant, Rev. J. Francis, of St. George’s Chapel. , .. .. . ... , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... cccxxi 447 Gregory, Dr. James ...................... cccxxii 450 Grey, Rev. Henry, A.M., of St. Mary’s Church.. ... .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .cccxxiv 157 Grieve, Mrs ... . , . . , . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . , .. . .. . . .clxxiii 15 Grieve, Dr. Henry. ........................... ccxi 119 Grinly, Mr. William, merchant and ship-broker .. .. . ... .. . .. . .. . . .. . , . ... , . .cxcvi 76 Grose, Hon. Sir Rash, one of the Judges of the Court of King’s Bench. ... cclxvii 290 Guest, Quarter-Master. ,. . ,. . . . . .. . ... ... cccxliv 479 Guthrie, Mr. John, bookseller . ..... . ... clxxxii 31 H HAGARJTo,h n, Esq., of Glendelvine ...c ccxx 442 Haldane, James Alexander, Esq., minister of the Tabernacle, Leith Walk. ... .. . . .. .., . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .clxxxiv 37 Hall, Mr. William, merchant ......-..c. lxxiii 13 Hall, Rev. Dr. James, of the Secession Church, Broughton Place. .. . .. . . ..cclxiii 278 Hamilton, Dr. James, senior.. .. . ... ... cxcviii 79 Hamilton, Dr. James .. ... ... ...........c cxxvi 158 Hardie, bfr. Andrew, baker ...........c. lxxiii 11 Hardie, Rev. Dr. Thomas,‘Professor of Divinity and Ecclesiastical History. ... ... . . . ... .. , .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .clxxxviii 48 Hardy, Thomas ... ... ... .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . ... ccclx 482 Hay, Dr. Thomas, City Chamberlain cclviii 262 Hay, Captain, or the “Daft Captain ” cclxxx 329 Hay, Charles, Lord Newton ................ ccc 380 Henderson, Mr. Tholllas, City Chamberlain ...................................... ccxcvi 375 Hermand, Lord .. ... ........_..... .,......... ..c cc 380 Hieroglyphic Letter from the Devil to Sir Laurence Dundas .... _.... ..... .ccclvii 480 Doudaa’ Answer.. . .. . ... . . . .. . .. , . .. ... ccclviii 480 No. Pagg Home, John, Esq., of Ninewells ......... CXCP 72 Honyman, Sir Wm., Bart., Lord Armadale ... ... ......... ...... ... ... ......... ccxxvii 162 Honyman, Sir Wm., Bart., Lord Armadale .......................................... ccc 380 Honyman, Sir Wm., Bart., Lord Armadale. ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .cccxu 417 Hope, Right Hon. Charles, of Granton, when Lord Advocate of Scotland ....................................... ccliii 246 Hope, Right Hon. Charles, Lieut.. Colonel, commanding the E d i - burgh Volunteers ... . . . . ... .. . ... . .. ... ccliv 254 Hope, Right Hon. Charles, Lord Justice- Clerk. ......... ...... ...... ... ... ... .., ... ... ccc 380 Hope, Dr. John, Professor of Botany ... cccxi 415 Hope, Dr. Thomas Charlea, Professor of Chemistry ............................ cccxxii 450 Hunter, Rev. Dr. Andrew ............ clxxxvii 46 Hunter, Mr. James, hardware merchant ccli 242 Hunter, Mr. George, hardware merchant ....................................... ccli 242 Huntingdon, Right Hon. SelinaCountesa Dowager of. ........................... clxxiv 16 Hutton, Miss Sibby.. ..................... clxxiii 15 Hutton, Mr. John.. ................ .. ... ... accvii 402 I INNES, Mr. Edward ......................... cclxv 284 Irving, Alexander (afterwards Lord Newton) . .. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .cccxxvi 462 J JAMFSORNo,b ert, Professor of Natural History . .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cccxxii 452 Jamieson, Rev, John, D.D., of the AssociateCongregation, Nicolson Street ; fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, etc. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... cclxxvu 317 Jardiie, Sir Henry ........................ cclxxx 327 Jardine, John, Esq., Sheriff of Ross and Cromarty ............................ cccxxvi 465 Jefferson, Thomaa, Esq., President of the United States of America ... ccxxxix 193 Jeffrey, Francis, Esq., advocate, one of the Senators of the College of Justice . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... cccu 388 Another Portrait of the same ...... cccxxvi 465 Johnston, E. Henry, in the character of “ Hamlet” ...... ... ............ ... cclxxvi 315 Johnstone, Major Charles, when an Ensign in the Hopetoan Fenciblea ccxlvi 225 Johnston, Robert, Eq ................... cccxxii 454 Jones, Dr. Thomas Snell, minister of Lady Glenorchy’s Chapel. ....... .. ... ccvi 102
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488 INDEX TO THE PORTRAITS. ETC . . No . Page K KAY. John. the artist .................... cclxvi 289 Kay. John. miniature ..................... ccclvi 480 Kay. Robert, Esq., architect ..........c cxcviii 378 Kay. Robed. Esq., architect ........... cccxiv 420 Eennedy. Donald. chairman ............ ccxcii 367 Khan. fifirza Aboul Hassan. Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Persia to the Court of Great Britain ..... cclxxii 300 . King. Queen. and Dauphin of France cccxxxv 478 King. Rev . Alexander. of the Relief Congregation. Dalkeith ..............c. cci 387 Knapp. Jerome William. LL.D.,Deputy- Clerk of Arraigns .................... cccxiii 419 Knox. John .............................. cccxxxiv 477 L LAPSLIE. Rev . James. minister of Campsie ................................... ccix 112 Latour. &I . de. painter to the King of France ................................ cexxxiii 182 Lauder. Mr . John. coppersmith ........c lxxiii 10 Lawnmarket Coach ........................ clxxiii 8 Lawson. Mr . James. leather merchant .................................... clxxiii 11 Lawyer and Client ....................... cccxlvii 480 Leslie. Hon . Alexander. Licut . -General and Colonel of the ninth regiment of foot ................................... cxcvii 78 Leslie. Sir John. Professor of Natural Philosophy .............................. ccxix 140 Leslie. Hon . Captain (afterwards General) John ................................ ccxxi 151 Lawes. Mr . and Dlrs . Lee. in the characters of “Goldfinch” and “Widow Warren .................................. cclvii 258 Louverture. Toussaint ................ cccxxxvii 478 M MAGDONALDN. iss Penelope. of Clanronald .............................. ccciii 393 Yacdonald. Miss Penelope. of Clanronald .................................... ccciv 393 BLcdonaId. William. officer to the Highland Society of Scotland ......... cclxxxiv 345 Hacfarlane. Duncan. Esq., advocate ... cccxx 444 Macgachen. Mr . Robert. Accountant of Excise .................................. cccxxv 461 Mack. blr . Joseph. clerk in the Sheriff Court .................................... cclxvi 290 Mackay. Major-General Alexander. Deputy Adjutant-General to the Forces in Scotland ........................... clxxvi 18 Mackcoull. James. alias Captaiu MoEdt. No . Page at the bar of the High Court of Justiciary ................................. ccxc 354 Mackenzie, Kincaid, Lord Provost ..... ccxcv 374 Ihconochie. Allan. Lordbleadowbank clxxvii 19 Maconochie. Allan. Lord Meadowbank ccc 380 Maconochie. Allan. Lord Meadowbank ccexii 417 Dfaconochie. Alexander. Esq . (Lord Meadowbank) ........................ cccxvii 432 Maconochie. Alexander. Esq . (Lord Macpherson. Hugh. sometime clerk to the PerthIcarriers ..................c. claxv 314 Man of Consequence ........................ cccxl 479 Marjoribanks. Sir John. Bart., Lord Provost ................................. cclxix 294 Nary Queen of Scotland ..............c ccxxxiii 477 Mason. Mr . Wm., Secretary to the Grand Lodge ............................ cxeix 81 Maule. Hon . William Ramsay. of Panmure. now Lord Panmureof Brechin and Navar ............................. cccxvi 426 Maxwell. Misses. of Monreith .......... cclxxx 330 Maxwell. bIr ................................ cccviii 410 Meek. the Irish Piper ........................ cciv 100 Miller. James. Esq., advocate ......... cccxxvi 462 Illiller. Sir William. of Glenlce. Bart., ono of the Senators of the College of Justice. ............................. cclxxxv 346 Miller. Sir William. Bart., Lord Glenlee ccc 380 Miller. Sir William. Bart., Lord Glenlee cccxii 417 Modern Nursing ........................... cccxlii 479 Moira. Right Hon . Earl of. Commanderin- Chief of the Forces ..............c.l xxix 23 Moira. Right Hon . Earl of. addressing the Edinburgh Spearmen ..........c lxxx 25 Monboddo. Lord. in the Court of Session ...................................... ccxvii 135 Monboddo. Lord. in reverse head ... cccxlviii 480 Monro. Alexander. M . D., Professor of Anatomy and Surgery .............c ccxxii 452 Monro. Colonel. awell-knownBlue-gown cclix 264 Morrison. Sir John ...................... clxxxiii 35 hlurray. Meg .................................. cxcii 60 blusicians. a Medlcy of ..................... cciv 95 b1 ‘Arthur. Archibald. piper to the late Sir Reginald Macdonald Stewart Seton. of Touch and Staffa, B a t . cclxxi 299 K ‘Cormick. Edward. Esq., Sheriff-Depute of Ayrshire ...................... cccxx 437 K‘Donald. Rev . John. of the Gaelic Chapel ................................. cclxxxi 331 M‘Donald. Samuel. in the uniform of the Sutherland Fencibles ........ ccxxxvi 190 PKean. James. at the bar of the High Court of Justiciary .................c.c xciii 368 Meadowbank) .......................... cccxx 444 .
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