Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


INDEX TO THE PORTRAITS, ETC. 489 NO. Page the Green” .............................. ccxli 214 ing unlawful oaths .............. .cclxxxix 353 M‘Kellar, Alexander ; or “The Cock 0’ M‘Kinlay, Andrew, tried for administer- N XAPOLEOI.N, E mperor ...............c ccxxxri 478 Nugent, Mr., of the Pembrokeshire Cavalry ............................... ..cccxlv 479 0 O’BRIES, the Irish Giant. .................. ccx 116 Oman, Mr. Charles ........................ cclxiv 283 P PAINE, Mr. Thomas, Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the American Congress .......................... ,..ccxxxiv 184 Paul, Emperor of Russia. ............. .cccxxxii 477 Peddie, Rev. Dr. James, of the Associate Congregation, Bristo Street ... cclxxrvii 351 Peddie, Rev. Dr. James, in 1810 ... cclxxxviii 352 Peddie, Rev. Dr. James ..............c ccxxxix 479 Pierie, E. Alexander ................... .cccviii 411 Pitt, Right Hon. William ................. cclvi 257 Pratt, George .............................. .clxxxi 30 I’rrtt, George, and a Fool .............. cccxliii 479 Pringle, John, Esq. ........................ cclxvi 289 Penny, Mrs .................................. clxxiii 15 Pitt, Right Hon. William .................. cclv 255 R RAE, Mr. John, surgeon-dentist ...... .cclxiv 283 Rae, Mr. John, surgeon-dentist ........ cclxvi 289 Rigg, James Hume, Esq., of Norton ... ccxxi 148 Ritchie, Mr. Alexander, Scotch cloth Robertson, William, Lord Robertson.. ... ccc 383 Robertson, William, Lord Robertson cccxii 417 Robinson, Wm. Rose, Esq., Sheriff of Lanark.. ............................. .cccxxvi 465 Rocheid, James, Esq., of Inverleith clxxxvii 46 Rose, John, Esq., of Holme, in the uniform of the Grant Fencibles. ... cccxxvii 466 Ross, Mathew, Esq., Dean of Faculty cccxx 43f Ross, Mr. W. BI., deacon of the tailors ccxcv 372 Rowan, Archibald Hamilton, Esq., of Billileagh, in Ireland ............... ccxxx 167 VOL. II. Kanken, William, Esq.. ..................... ccx 117 shop. ................................... .clxxiii 11 9 No. Page Scorn, milliam. ........................ eelxxviii 322 Scott, Mr. David, farmer, Northfield cccxiv 425 Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. ................ cccxxvi 463 Service Rewarded, Faithful. ............... ccxi 118 Session, Last Sitting of the Old Court of ccc 380 Session, Second Division of the Court of .......................................... cccxii 417 Set-to, A Political ; or “Freedom of Election” Illustrated. ............... cccvii 401 Simeon, Rev. Charles, A.M. of Tiinity Church, Cambridge’ ................... cckx 296 Sinclair, Mr. Charles, one of the delegates to the British Convention ccxxxvii 191 Sinclair, Sir John, Bart. of Ulbster ....... cxciii 61 Skey, Major, of the Shropshire Militia. .............................. cccxxviii 468 Skinner, Mr. WiIIiam ................... ..cccvii 402 Skirving, Citizen ........................... ccclix 481 Smith, Mrs., in the costume of 1795 ... cccxv 425 Smythe, David, Lord Methven. ...... cclxxix 325 Sommers, Mr. Thomas, his Majesty’s glazier. ..................................... .ccl 235 Steele, John, aged 109 years ............ ccxcvi 375 Stewart, Archibald Macarthur, Esq., of Ascog. ................................... .ccxxi 150 Stirling, Sir James, Bart.. ............... cclviii 263 Stonefield, Lord .............................. cxciv 71 Struthers, Rev. Janes, of the Relief Chapel, College Street. .............. .ccxv 133 Struthers, Rev. James, of thc Relief Chapel ................................... ccxvi 134 Suttie, Margaret, a hawker of salt. ... ccxxix 166 Sym, Robert, Esq., Writer to the Signet ................................ .cccxxiii 455 Syme, Old Geordie, a famous piper ... ccxviii 137 T TAIT, Old John, the broom-maker ..... ccxx 143 Taylor, Quarter-Master.. ............. ..clxxxvii 48 Tronmen, The City; or Chimncy- Sfi-eepen. .............................. ccxxiv 155 Turnbull, Rev. Dr. Alexander, of Dalladies .................................. ccxxviii 163 Tytler, Alexander Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee ... ccc 380 Tytler, Alex. Fraser, Lord Woodhowlee ................................. cccxii 417 V VYSE, Lieut.-General, in command of the Forces in Scotland. .......... cclxxxri 349 3 R
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