Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


INDEX TO VOL . I1 . PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES . A’ No . Page ADVOCATES. Twelve. with wigs on .... cccxx 436 Advocates. Twelve. without wigs ... cccxxvi 462 Alls. The Five ........................... clxxxvii 46 Anderson. Mr . Francis. W . S ............. ccli 241 Angouleme. Duc d‘... ........................ ccxl 198 Austin.Mr . John. author of a “System of Stenographic Music .............c cxcvii 376 Aytoun. Major-General Roger. ............c. cxl 196 B BAILLIE, William. Lord Polkemmet ... ccxliii 216 Baillie. William. Lord Polkemmet ........ ccc 380 Baine. Rev . James. A.M., first minister of the Relief Congregation. South College Street .............................. cc 82 Baird. Rev . George Husband Baird. D.D. Principal of the University. and one of the ministers of the High Church ........................... cccix 411 Bannatpe ............................. ccxciv 370 Barclay. John. M.D. ..................... cccxxii 448 Beggar’s Feast .............................. cccliii 480 Baird Rev . Principal ........................ cccx 412 Bannatpe. Sir W . M‘Leod. Lord Bannatyne. Sir W . M‘Leod. Lord Bannatyne .... ..........................c. cc 380 Bell. Mr . Benjamin, surgeon ..........c lxxxvi 45 Bell, Mr . Hamilton. W.S., carrying s vintner’s boy from Edinburgh to Mnsselburgh ........................... cclxiv 282 Bell, Mr. Hamilton. W.S ...............c. clxVi 289 Bell. Robert. Esq., Procurator for the Bell, George Joseph. Profeasor of the Law of Scotland .................... cccxxvi 464 Billair. Captain. and his Wife .......... ccxcix 379 Kirk ..................................... c c c a 437 No . Page Black. Rev . David, of Lady Yester’s Church .............................. ccxxxviii 192 Black. Donald. chairman ................. ccxcii 367 Blucher. Field.Marahal ................... ccclxi 477 Booksellers, Two ........................... clxxxii 30 Boswell. Claud Irvine. Lord Balmuto cclxii 277 Boswell. Claud I n h e . Lord Balmuto .... ccc 380 14 Boyle, Right Hon . David. Lord Justice- Clerk ..................................c.c. cxii 417 Braidwood. Mr . Francis. cabinet-maker ccxiii 122 Breadalbane. John first Marquis of .. ccxlviii 233 Breadalbane, Lady ......................c cxlviii 23 4 Brown. Dr . John. alias “the Devil Killer” .................................... cccv 394 Browne. Citizen M.C., one of the delegates to the British Conventionccxxd 177 Buchanan. Rev . Dr., of the Canongate Church .................................. ccxxii 152 Burnet. Captaii James. the last captain of the City Guard ................... ecxxxv 185 Burnett, John. Esq., advocate ........... cccxx 436 Bums, Miss, a celebrated beauty ......... cxcii 60 Burns, Miss, a celebrated beauty ........c ccvi 399 Butler. Hon . Simon ...................... ccxbx 176 Butter. Mr . William .................... clxxxiii 32 Boyd. Mr . George. clothier ............. c l d Brougham. Henry .................... cccxxxviii 478 a CAMPBELLC,o lin. Esq., of Kd berry ... chxii 5 Campbell, Sir James, Bart. of Ardkinglass .................................. clxxxix 61 Campbell, Sir Ilay. Bart., Lord President of the Court of Seasion ................. ccii 89 Campbell, Sir Ilay. Lord PreSide .nt ....... ccc 380 Campbell, Mr . John. precentor ............ cciii 92 Campbell, ldr . Alexander .................. cciv 95
Volume 9 Page 676
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