Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


468 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. CCCXXVIII. MAJOR SKEY, AND TFlE RIGHT HON. LORD CLIVE (NOW EARL OF POWIS), * OF TEE SHROPSHIRE MILITIA. THE passing of the Militia Act, in 1797, occasioned great excitement in Scotland j and several riots of a serious nature having occurred, it was deemed prudent to aupent the military force of the country. The Shropshire, commanded by Lord Clive, was the first corps of English militia brought across the border. Arriving at Musselburgh on the 21st of September 1797, they were stationed there and at Dalkeith till the 9th of October, when the regiment removed to Edinburgh, and the same day was inspected in St. Anne's Yard in presence of Lord Adam Gordon, Commander-in-Chief, and the Comte d'Artois, who then resided at Holyrood Palace, One thousand strong, a finer body of men could scarcely be imagined ; but they had marched in their old clothing, and not having had time to unpack their baggage, they certainly looked very shabby. Lady Clive was among the company present, and happening to overhear a gentleman near her say-" How very ill-dressed these men are;" her ladyship turned smartly round upon him, as she said-"Illdressed, sir ! we are considered to be the highest dressed regiment in England !'I The gentleman alluded to their clothes-the lady to the carriage and steadiness of the men. . Of MAJOR SKEY (the figure in advance), we have obtained no particular information. He was a gentleman of Shropshire, and we believe had previously been in the army. EDWARD LORD CLIVE (afterwards EARL OF POWIS), son of Robert Lord Clive, the able but ill-requited Governor of India, was born in 1754, and succeeded his father in 1774. The title of Clive belongs to the Irish Peerage : and until 1794, when called to the House of Lords, as Baron Clive of Walcot, his lordship represented the borough of Ludlow in Parliament. Having been appointed Governor of Fort St. George, Lord Clive repaired to India in 1802, where he distinguished himself during the Mahratta war, and on his return received the unanimous thanks of both Houses of Parliament.
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