Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 622
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BIOGRAPHIOAL SKETCHES. 467 esteemed and loved than “HOLMER OSE,” the appellation by which he was distinguished in the district from other gentlemen of the same surname. He had twelve children, of whom three died in infancy, and one in early youth. His eldest son, Hugh, entered the East India Company’s Service, in which he held several honourable and responsible situations. He was aide-de-camp to Lord Lake; and, after more than twenty years’ service, returned home with his family in 1814, with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel. From that period he resided on his property, where he died in 1836.1 Two other sons of Mr. Rose, Alexander and Robert, died in India; the first in the military service, and the other captain of a country vessel. The youngest son, General Sir John Rose, K.C.B., succeeded to his brother Colonel Hugh, as Proprietor of Holme, where he resided with his family, the eldest of whom was for some time in the civil service of the East India Company. Lady Rose (Lilias) was a daughter of the late James Fraser, Esq., of Culduthel. hlr. Rose’s four daughters, who reached maturity, were all married ; the eldest, Catherine, to Captain George Easton, of the 35th reb$nent of foot, both of whom died some years after marriage, of yellow fever, in the West Indies. Grace married the late William M‘Intosh, Esq., of Geddes, whom she survived. She predeceased her husband, who died in 1814. They left a numerous family. Mr. Rose’s youngest daughter, Helen, was married to Dr. Cormack, minister of Stow, in 1814.2 Maintaining in every respect the character of a country gentleman of the olden time, the great enjoyment of Mr. Rose was to live in the bosom of his family, and among his tenantry ; yet, at the call of his country, he was ever ready to sacrifice all to what he deemed its paramount claim. Hence, during the American war, he joined the Gordon Fencibles ; and towards the close of last century he raised a company, which he commanded, in the Grant Fencibles; and perhaps nothing can give a better idea of the affectionate regard in which he was held by bis own dependents and neighbourhood, than the simple fact that he raised his whole company within a week. Mr. Rose lost his excellent and pious lady while yet in early life ; but never afterwards formed any matrimonial connection. Four sons and four daughters lived to be settled in life. Jane was the wife of John Troup, Esq., of Firhall, near Nairn. He married Miss Ame Topham, an English lady, who predeceased him a few years. Several of their children died in infancy in India, and one son and two daughters came to this country. The son, a very promising boy, died by a fall from a pony. Charlotte, the youngest daughter, was married to General Sir John Burgoyne ; and Anne, the eldest, to Douglas Cheape, Esq., advocate, and late Professor of Civil Law in the University of Edinburgh. a Their only surviving child, John Rose Cormack, M.D., had the honour of gaining the Barveian Prize, in 1836, by his “ Treatise on the Chemical, Medicinal, aud Physiological hoperties of CREOSOTEil,l ustrated by experiments on the lower animals, with some considerations on the embalmment of the Egyptians.” To his “Inaugural Dissertation on the Presence of Au in the Organs of Circulation,” the Medical Faculty of Edinburgh awarded the prize of their gold medal, on occasion of his receiving his Doctorate in 1837. He was chosen one of the Preidents of the Royal Nedical Society in 1836, and of the Royal Physical Society in 1837. .
Volume 9 Page 623
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