Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


460 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. most undue magnitude in public contemplation, and excited every variety of sentiment and feeling, but which has nom long passed away from general interest and view. We allude to the Apocrypha Controversy, and the much-deplored and unseemly contest on matters connected with that painful discussion, between Dr. Andrew Thomson and Mr. Henry Grey. Much misapprehension, grievous misrepresentation, prevailed, both on the subject matter of that controversy, and on the sentiments and conduct of the respective controversialists. It would be unwise and unwarrantable to revive the theme. “ One is taken and the other is left.” One hath long ceased from combat in the church militant on earth, where his services oftentimes were pre-eminent and invaluable, and left the world amidst innumerable and unfeigned regrets on his sudden and premature removal; and, in the recollection of his great and various excellences and achievements, every intermingling imperfection ought to be allowed to fade from remembrance. Aqd the other, meek and magnanimous in endurance, patient and diligent in tribulation, outliving every calumny, and stilling every reproach in peaceful and ceaseless devotedness to his sacred office, hath long emerged from the momentary obscuration hastily and prejudicially thrown over him, to dim the lustre of his genuine excellences ; and he walks in the sphere of his extensive usefulness, in the universal recognition and esteem of his professional talents and attainments, and in the especial reverence and love of his enlightened and affectionate people? From his earliest appearance in public life, Mr. Grey espoused the interests and policy of the popular (and now dominant) party of the Church of Scotland. His civil political predilections are equally well known. On the visit of Earl Grey to Edinburgh, in 1834, Mr. Grey was present at the Festival, on the 15th of September, in honour of the patriotic character and political services of this venerated nobleman, and officiated as chaplain on that memorable occasion. Earl Grey sojourned, while in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, with Sir John Hamilton Dalrymple, Bart., at Oxenford Castle, and Mr. Grey was requested to preach in the parish church of Cranstoun on the following Sunday, which invitation he complied with, much to the expressed gratification of the venerable and illustrious statesman. In October 1808 hlr. Grey was married to his cousin, Miss Margaretta Grey, daughter of George Grey, Esq., of Sandy House, Northumberland-a lady of superior intellectual endowments, and various literary attainments. Their family consisted of three daughters and two sons : their eldest son, late of Cambridge University, joined the ministry of the Church of England. These remarks had reference to Mr. Grey while still alive. Having left the Establishment in 1843, at the time of the Disruption, he was appointed minister of Free St.-Mary‘s Church (then in Barony Street), and he died in 1859.
Volume 9 Page 613
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