Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 451 had distinguished himself by discovering a new kind of earth, to which he gave the name of Strontites ; since, I believe, known by the name of Strontia. He came to the Chemical Chair of Edinburgh as the colleague of Dr. Black ; and since that time, you all know-at least you have all heard and read-and you are all satisfied of the fact, that from that moment his whole attention has been devoted to the same measures and views which regulated the conduct of his great colleague and predecessor. He made himself master of all that was known in chemical science-of all that was going on within its bounds-of everything that had been ascertained, or was in progress of investigation. This was digested into a course of lectures, conceived in the most ,plain and intelligible language, so constructed that no individual who heard them, of the most ordinary capacity, could not follow clearly and distinctly every word he uttered. What he stated in words he also illustrated in experiment ; and all his experiments were so selected that there was nothing in them like legerdemain-nothing introduced merely to surprise-but they were so selected as to convey to his students a thorough acquaintance, not merely with what he was teaching, but also to make them satisfied of the truth of the facts he was stating. (Cheers.) What has been the result? I was anxious to know the fact ; and I found that for some years before he partially retired Dr. Black‘s class amounted to 225 students. The number in Dr. Hope’s class, after his arrival, gradually rose from that amount till, in 1833, it amounted to 575 students (great cheering); and perhap there is no teacher now alive who can boast, as I really believe my friend may, that he has sent out from under his hands not fewer than 15,500 young men, all, or the greater part of them, at least as well acquainted with the science as any smaller number, taught by other professors. [Among the pupils of Dr. Hope who had distinguished themselves, Lord Meadowhank mentioned Dr. Henry and Dr. Turner, now no more, Professor Christison,’ and Professor Traill, than whom there was not a more distinguished chemist in the land. (Cheers.)] His lordship continued-While Lr. Hope engages in the discharge of his laborious duties, he has still found time to extend thc circle of science. About a century and a half ago Dr. Crowne announced that water, within a certain range of temperature, did not obey the laws of ordinary fluids-that in fact it contracts with heat and expands with cold. Doubts were thrown on this statement, but my friend Dr. Hope, by a series of experiments, accurately devised, demonstrated that the statement of Dr. Crowne was correct, and that the greatest density of water is at thirty-nine degrees and a half. At a later period he proved another important fact, no less 80 to the geologist than to the hydrographer, that the waters of the ocean do not obey the laws of pure water, but that they are subject to all the laws which regulate other fluids, through the same range of temperature. [He then referred to the other discoveries of Dr. Hope with respect to gases, and to his experiments on the leaves and flowers of plants. * * * He concluded by referring to the names of the many distinguished individuals with whom Dr. Hope was and bad been intimate, and to the gratifying testimony to his character which was afforded by the present meeting-men of all ranks, and parties, and shades of political opinion, having met to do honour to one who had conferred important services on the community of which they were members. ”3 In the course of his reply the Professor stated that during the fifty-one years of his professorship, and the four years he was employed in professional studies, he had not been detained from his labours more than six days by indisposition. Dr. Hope was a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (of which he had been Vice-President since 1823) ; of the Royal College of Physicians; of the Royal Society of London j and in 1820 he was admitted an honorary member of the Royal Irish Academy. In 1828 he instituted a chemical prize in the University, presenting €800 to the Senatus Academicus for that purpose.’ (Loud cheers.) Afterwards Sir Robert Christion, Bart., Professor of Materia Medica. Dr. Hope continued to fulfil the important duties of his chair ti the end of the session 1843, about a year before his death, which took place on 13th June 1844. Dr. Hope is commemorated by an interesting memoir by his friend the late Professor Traill, which appeared in the “Edinburgh Philosophical Transactions,” vol. xvi., and by an elegant biut by S i John Shell, which adorns the library of the College.
Volume 9 Page 602
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