Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 596
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EIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 447 Mr, Fletcher lived to overcome the prejudices entertained against his party, and to enjoy the emoluments arising from a very extensive practice, without any sacrifice or change in the principles he had avowed in early life. So late as 1818 he was present at a meeting in Edinburgh, held for the purpose of petitioning Parliament against the much-reprobated ‘‘ gagging bills ” of Lord Castlereagh. “ When Mr. Fletcher appeared,” says a newspaper report of the day, “he entered the place of meeting, accompanied by his two sons. His venerable appearance, his infirm health, and his high character for consistency and purity of public principle, combined to produce a strong sensation on the assembly. He was loudly cheered ; and a place near the chairman was assigned to him, that he might distinctly hear the proceedings.” In 1816, owing to declining health, Mr. Fletcher gave up his professional pursuits, and retired for some time to Parkhall, a farm he had purchased in Stirlingshire. Here he spent several years, and regained, in some measure, his usual health. In 1822 he passed the winter with his family among his friends at York; and while there wrote and printed a Dialogue between a Whig and a Radical Reformer, in which he combated the principle of annual parliaments and universal suffrage, but advocated constitutional reform on its broadest basis. Mr. Fletcher died at Auchindinny House, about eight miles to the south of Edinburgh, on the 20th of December 1828.’ No. CCCXXI. . REV. JAMES-FRANCIS GRANT, OF ST. GEORGE’S CHAPEL, YORK PLACE, EDINBURGH. MR. GRANT, second son of Sir Archibald Grant, the third Baronet of Mony musk: was born in 1760, and educated at the High School and University of this city. Having taken orders as a clergyman of the Episcopalian Church, he was for a few years assistant to the Rev. Alexander Duncan, incumbent of St. George’s Chapel, York Place ; and while there was much esteemed as a man of worth and talent. His sermons, if not remarkable for eloquence, were always concise and impressive. ‘‘ Mr. Archibald Fletcher,” says Lord Brougham, “was a learned, experienced, and industrious lawyer, one of the most npright men that ever adorned the profession, and a man of such stern and resolute firmness in public principle, as is very rarely found united with the amiable character which e‘n deared him to private society.” a Sir Archibald married Miss Callender, only child of Dr. Callender of Jamaica, and daughter of the then Lady Grant. Sir Archibald resided for many years in Minto House, which at that time entered from the Horse Wynd.
Volume 9 Page 597
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