Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


440 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. few particular points both of learning and of practice, but on the whole, his superiority is entirely unrivalled and undisputed. Those who approach the nearest to him are indeed so much his juniors, that he cannot fail to have an immense ascendancy over them, both from the actual advantages of his longer study and experience, and, without offence to him or them be it added, from the effects of their early admiration of him, while he was rn yet far above their sphere. Do not suppose, however, that I mean to represent any part of the respect with which these gentlemen treat their senior, as the result of empty prejudice. Never was any man less of a quack than Mr. Clerk ; the very essence of his character is scorn of ornament, and utter loathing of affectation. He is the plainest, the shrewdest, and the most sarcastic of men ; his sceptre owes the whole of its power to its weight-nothing to glitter. ‘ I It is impossible to imagine a physiognomy more expressive of the character of a great lawyer and barrister. The features are in theinselves good-at least a painter would call them so ; and the upper part of the profile has as fine lines as could be wished. But then, how the habits of the mind have stamped their traces on every part of his face ! What sharpness, what razor-like sharpness, has indented itself about the wrinkles of his eyelids ; the eyes themselves, so quick, so gray, such bafflers of scrutiny, such exquisite scrutinisers, how they change their expression-it seems almost how they change their colour-shifting from contracted, concentrated blackness, through every shade of brown, blue, green, and hazel, back into their open, gleaming gray again. How they glisten into a smile of disdain !-Aristotle says, that all laughter springs from emotions of conscious superiority. I never saw the Stagyrite so well illustrated as in the smile of this gentleman, He seems to be affected with the most dclightful and balmy feelings, by the contemplation of some soft-headed, prosing driveller racking his poor brain, or bellowing his lungs out-all about something which he, the smiler, sees through so thoroughly, so distinctly. Blunder follows blunder ; the mist thickens about the brain of the bewildered hammerer ; and every plunge of the bogtrotter-every decpcning shade of his confusion-is attested by some more copious infusion of Sardonic suavity into the horrible, ghastly, grinning smile of the happy Mr. Clerk. How he chuckles over the solemn spoon whom he hath fairly got into his power. When he rises at the conclusion of his display, he seems to collect himself like a kite above a covey of partridges ; he is in no hurry to come down, but holds his victims ‘with his glittering eye,’ and smiles sweetly, and yet more sweetly, the bitter assurance of their coming fate ; then out he stretches his arm, as the kite may his wing, and changing the smile by degrees into a frown, and drawing down his eyebrows from their altitude among the wrinkles of his forehead, and making them to hang like fringes quite over his diminishing and brightening eyes, and mingling a tincture of deeper scorn in the wave of his lips, and projecting his chin, and suffusing his whole face with the very livery of wrath, how he pounces with a scream upon his prey-and may the Lord have mercy upon their unhappy souls ! ” Although his legal studies must have engrossed the greater part of his time, Mr. Clerk still found leisure to indulge a taste for the fine arts. He occasionally amused himself in drawing and painting. He was a skilful modeller ; and even while seated on the bench with his colleagues, he was known to gratify his fondness for the ludicrous, by pencilling any object that might strike his fancy.’ In the course of his long life he had collected a very extensive selection of paintings,’ sketches, and rare prints. At the saie of these, by auction, at his lordship’s house in Picardy Place, a short time after his death, a serious accident occurred. The floor of the apartment gave way, and the crowd of purchasers were precipitated from the drawing-room to the dining-room flat, in a previous part of this Work. agent happened to call on him next day. “I know not,” was the reply. painting of a cat, which he said he would not have given one shilling for. We believe he furnished Kay with the original sketch of the “Three Legal Devotees,” given in Mr. Clerk had been paid a fee of one hundred guineas for pleading in a particular case. The ‘ I John,” said Clerk, ‘ I where do you think your fee is ? ” “There it is,” said he. On looking up the agent perceived a small
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