Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


424 BI 0 GRAPH I C AL S KETC HE S. Mr. Cauvin was for many years treasurer to the Friendly Society of Restalrig, whose funds he carefully managed, and in whose concerns he took a benevolent and most anxious interest. When the ancient chapel was restored, after his death, there was inserted in the wall of the interior an urn of white marble on a black slab to his memory, with a short inscription. The Hospital, for the erection and endowment of which Mr. Cauvin bequeathed the greater part of his fortune, was opened on the 30th of November 1833. Its management is vested in certain individuals nominated by the Founder,’ and in the Lord Provost of the city, the Principal of the University of Edinburgh, the Rector of the High School of Edinburgh, the Ministers of Duddingston, Liberton, and Newton, the Proprietor of the Lands of Niddry, and the Factor of the Marquis of Abercorn. The trustees afterwards assumed Mr. Pillans, the Professor of Humanity in the University, to act along with them. The recipients of the charity are required, upon admission, to be of the age of six, and under that of eight years, and are maintained for six years. It is enjoined that they shall chiefly be the sons of persons of the two classes with which the Founder himself was so long connected, namely, Teachers and Farmers. His words are-“ An Hospital for the relief, maintenance, and education of the sons of respectable but poor teachers j the sons of poor but honest farmers ; whom failing, the sons of respectable master-printers or booksellers ; and the sons of respectable servants in the agricultural line.” Accordingly, seventeen sons of teachers, and three sons of farmers are at present (1838) enjoying the benefits of the foundation. They are instructed in the ordinary branches of education, and also in Latin, Greek, French, Mathematics, etc. It is apparent from the following declaration, made by the Governors in the Regulations which have been framed, by the testator’s directions, for the management of the Institution, that they have availed themselves of the discretionary power with which they are invested, for advancing the cause of education in this country by raising the profession of teachers to greater usefulness: --“And, first of all, We, the said Governors, taking into consideration that the Founder was for the greater part of his life a public teacher, and that he has shown especial good-will to the profession he belonged to, by preferring to the benefits of this charity the children of teachers, do hereby declare generally, That we regard it as a leading object of the Cauvin Institution, to lay the foundation of a professional education for schoolmasters, so that as many of the boys as circumstances shall permit be prepared to become skilful and accomplished teachers.” The training of a few, therefore, for the profession of public teachers may be regarded as a distinguishing feature in this Seminary ; and in this manner, from time to time, many young men may go forth from its walls qualified for entering upon the duties of public tuition with decided advantage.” These were, Archibald Nisbet, Esq., of Carfin ; Jam- Fergusson, Esq., W.S.; John Tweedie, Esq., W.S.; the late Robert Stewart, Esq., Deputy-Presenter of Signatures ib the Exchequer ; Mr. David Scott, Northfield ; the 1ate;Mr. John Johnstone, Southfielrl; Mr. George Knight, teacher in Edinbnrgh ; and Mr. Andrew Scqtt, W.8.’ Mr. Stewart and Nr. Tweedie did not accept.
Volume 9 Page 567
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