Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


418 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. addressed from the bar ; and entered either on the margin of the papers, or in a blank paper book, the opinion of each judge as it was delivered. In the Criminal and Jury Courts, where he presided, he recorded the evidence that was adduced with remarkable precision and accuracy, omitting what was really extraneous, but preserving everything in the slightest degree important. Though necessarily resident in Edinburgh during the greater portion of the year, he took a deep interest in whatever related to his native county, and was at all times a ready adviser in cases affecting its welfare. His paternal estate of Shewalton, to which he succeeded on the death of his elder brother, John Boyle, Esq., is situated within a mile or two of Irvine, and has long been distinguished for a full participation in those agricultural improvements which have probably . been nowhere carried to a greater degree of perfection than in Ayrshire. His lordship was a member of the Privy Council. In 1841 he was promoted to the presidentship on the retirement of the Right Hon. Charles Hope. The Lord President was twice married; first, on the 24th December 1804, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Alexander Montgomery of Annick, brother of Hugh Earl of Eglinton, of which union there were several children.' Upon the demise of this amiable lady, his lordship married, secondly (11th July 1827), Camilla, eldest daughter of the late Lord Methven, by whom he also had issue. ADAM GILLIES (LORDG ILLIES)y, oungest son of Robert Gillies, Esq., of Little Keithock, and brother of the late Dr. Gillies, Historiographer for Scotland, author of the " Ancient History of Greece," etc.: was born at Brechin, in the county of Forfar in 1766. He passed advocate in 1787, and was appointed Sheriff-Depute of the county of Kincardine in 1806. In 181 1 he was elevated to the bench on the death of Charles Hay (Lord Newton); and, the year following, succeeded Lord Craig as one of the Lords of Justiciary. In 1816 he was nominated one of the Lords Commissioners of the Jury Court ; and in 1837 appointed Judge of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland. Having on that occasion resigned his gown as a Lord of Justiciary, he was succeeded by Lord Cockburn. Opposed as he was in politics to the party in power in 1811, the elevation of Mr, Gillies to the bench was a marked tribute to his legal knowledge and experience at the bar. When the proposal was communicated to him, a limited time was assigned for his acceptance ; and being wholly unexpected on his part, he mentioned the circumstance to some of his personal and political friends. From the standing of Mr. Gillies at the bar, and the large professional income enjoyed by him, they viewed his elevation to the bench as involving too great a pecuniary sacrifice on his part j but not coinciding in this opinion, he placed The eldest of whom, Patrick, born 29th March 1806, and admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates in 1829, married, 17thAugust 1830, Mary-Francis, daughter of Sir Robert D. H. Elphinstone, Bart., of hgie and Elphinstone. Dr. Gillies died at Clapham on the 16th of February 1836, in the ninetieth year of his age. . Lord Gillies ww by twenty-one yeare the junior of his brother the historian.
Volume 9 Page 559
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