Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 548
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-.BIO.GRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ,411 ALEXANDER PIERIE, Eiq., who appears on the left, was originally, we believe, from Dundee. He held the situation of Extractor of King's Processes in the Court of Session. He was a jolly, stout man ; exceedingly good-natured and convivial in his disposition. He was a member of the Cj'rochullan Club, which, as mentioned in a former sketch, held its meetings in Douglas's Tayern, Anchor Close, Edinburgh. Mr. Pierie had a brother, John, a Lieutenant in the navy-a man of considerable ability, and fond of topographical delineation-who published in 1789 four excellent Views of portions of the Hebrides.' He died on the 24th of July 1786. Respecting MR. MAXWELL no particulars can be gathered. Like his friend Pierie, to use the language of Boniface, he seems to have " eat well, slept well, and drank welL" He died towards the close of the last century. . No. CCCIX. REV. GEORGE HUSBAND BAIRD, D.D., PRINCIPAL OF THE UNIVERSITY, AND ONE OF THE MINISTERS OF THE HIGH CHURCH OF EDINBURGH. TEE subject of this sketch, as in his seventy-eighth year, was born in 1761, in the parish of Borrowstounness, where his father at the time, although a considerable proprietor in the county of Stirling, rented a farm from the Duke of Hamilton. DR BAIRD received the rudiments of education, first at the parish school of Borrowstounness, and subsequently, upon his father acquiring and removing to the property of Manuel, in the same county, at the Grammar School of Linlithgow. He entered as a student at the University of Edinburgh in 1773 ; and while there was honoured with the special notice of Principal Robertson, Professor Dalzel, and several others, under whom he studied. Among his associates and contemporaries at College were the late Professor Finlayson and Josiah Walker. He is known to have been a distinguished student, and in Greek to have received the very highest honours. He formed one of a small and select society, comprising the fellow-students above named, who had associated themselves for mutual encouragement and the prosecution of their studies beyond what the College courses required ; in which connection he mastered most of the European languages, and made acquaintance with theit. These, engraved by Beugo, were ag follows :-1. Hillichurin, the property of the Right Hon 2. The Harbour of Cans, the property of John Macdonald, Esq. of Clan- 3. Tom and Harbour of Stornoway, the property of Francis Humbenton Mackenzie, Esq. the Earl of Breadalbane. ranald. of Seaforth. 4. Town and Port of Oban, the property of his Grace the Duke of Angle.
Volume 9 Page 549
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