Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Charlea Anderson, Smiths. James Lowson, Weavers. Henry Thomson, Wrights. 403 James wardlaw, shahs. David Beveridge, Bakus. Robert Young, Mawnzp. Intimidation was usually the pretext for keeping the electors locked up in convivial durance. One notable example of this occurred about the year 1789 or 1790, Under the pretence that the lives of the elect.ors would be in danger if they remained in Kinghorn, Mr. Hutton and Lucky Skinner persuaded a majority of them one evening, when in their cups, to take flight for the mansion- house of Balcarras (the seat of Colonel Lindsay), more than twenty miles distant. Here they were entertained in a splendid manner for several weeks ; and only brought back in the “nick of time” to vote for a delegate in the ministerial interest. The success of this exploit greatly extended the fame of the town-clerk and the hostess ; and the heroes who professed to be intimidated were ever afterwards known by the expressive designation of “ the Balcarras Lambs.” The “row” recorded in the Print occurred at the general election in 1796. It was not properly speaking a Kinghorn affair at all ; for on that occasion Sir James St. Clair Erskine, afterwards Earl of Rosslyn, was elected without opposition. The adjacent district of burghs (Inverkeithing), however, was keenly contested by Sir John Henderson of Fordel, Bart., and the Hon. Andrew Cochrane Johnstone, afterwards Governor of Dominica. The result appearing doubtful, it occurred to the friends of the latter gentleman that the services of Mr. Hutton and Lucky Skinner-the much-famed guardians of ‘‘ the Balcarras Lambs ”-might be advantageously employed in furthering their cause, A party of the Dunfermline councillors were accordingly transported quietly during the night to Kinghorn, and safely lodged in the inn, When the retreat became known, the circumstance created great excitement in Dunfermline. Crowds of people assembled, and the shout “ to Kinghorn ” being raised, a numerous body-including detachments of colliers from Fordel, many of them armed with bludgeons-was speedily on the march to capture the electors. A blockade having been resolved upon, as the more prudent and Mr. Hutton, though resident in Kinghorn, was one of the Town-council of Dunfermline. The following is a list of the members at this period (1796) :- JAMES MOODIE, Pro!mst.’ James Hunt, First Ba.iZie.-Thomas Wardlaw, Seccmd Bailie. Robert Hutton, Dean of Guild. -Thomas Hunt, Treasurer. John Hutton, Old Provost. James Cowper, First Old Bailie.-David Anderson, Second Old Bailie. John Wilson, Old Dean of Guild.-William Anderson, Old Treasurer. New Merchant Couiscillors. Andrew Adie. Jamea Blackwood. New Trades counciWws. John Smith. John Kirk.
Volume 9 Page 539
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