Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 466
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B I0 GRAPH I C AL SKETCH E S. 35 1 No. CCLXXXVII. REV. DR. JUES PEDDIE, OF THE ASSOCIATE CONGREGATION, BRISTO STREET. THE REV. DR. PEDUIEw as born on the 10th of February 1759, at Perth, where his father was a respectable brewer. After having attended the grammarschool of that city for some time, he was transferred to the academy there, of which Dr, Hamilton, afterwards Professor of Natural Philosophy in Aberdeen College, and author of a well-known work on the National Debt, was the Rector. From thence Dr. Peddie proceeded to the University of Edinburgh, where he went through the usual courses of study, under Professors Dalzel, Ferguson, Stewart, etc. From an early age he had felt a predilection for the ministerial office ; and, when the time arrived for choosing a profession, he became a student of divinity under the venerable John Brown of Haddington, Professor of Divinity to the Associate Secession Synod, of which religious denomination his father was a member. In February 1782 he obtained license as a probationer from the Associate Presbytery of Perth and Dunfermline ; and the congregation in Bristo Street, Edinburgh, having soon afterwards elected him, he was ordained their pastor on the 3d of April 1783. The election had been keenly contested j and, upon its being decided in his favour, a large body of the members of the congregation withdrew, forming themselves into the Associate Congregation of Rose Street, of which the late Rev. Dr. Hall subsequently became pastor. The Bristo Street Congregation, however, rapidly recruited its numbers under the pastoral superintendence of Dr. Peddie ; and it has from that time forward been distinguished for its highly flourishing condition. From the commencement of his ministry, the Rev. Doctor was an acceptable and popular preacher, and continued to be so although far advanced in years. The branch of pulpit duty in which he excelled was what in Scotland is termed Zectu~ing. In this respect he was eminently skilled for clearness in expounding the mcaning of Scripture-for a graphic delineation of the incidents and manners in the sacred volume-and for the sagacity and force of his practical application of its lessons. In addition to a most assiduous and successful superintendence of one of the largest congregations in Scotland, Dr. Peddie through life took an active share in the benevolent and religious societies of Edinburgh, as well as in the general government and business of his own religious community ; and in both departments his prudent and skilful management always secured to him a corresponding share of weight and influence. It may be particularly mentioned, that he was one of the founders of the Bible, of the Missionary, and of the Magdalene
Volume 9 Page 467
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