Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


28 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. The Earl remained only a short time at Loudon Castle, having been appointed Governor of Malta in 1824. This situation he filled for nearly two years, much to the satisfaction of the Maltese, when, in consequence of a fall from his horse, he was seized with a dangerous illness, and was, attended by his family, conveyed in a weak state on board the Revenge ship-of-war. The Earl grew rapidly worse, and died on the 28th November 1826. It was rumoured at the time that, in a letter found after his death, his lordship had desired his right hand to be cut off and preserved until the death of the Marchioness, then to be interred in the same coffin with her ladyship. His remains were interred at Malta. As a cavalry officer he looked uncommonly well. He was well learned in the history and constitution of his country; and that his talents were of the highest order is evinced by his successful government of India. He was of a kindly and affectionate disposition-In munificence unbounded; so much so that to his extreme liberality may be attributed the embarrassments under which he is understood to have laboured throughout the latter part of his life. The Earl of Moira was tall, and rather of il spare figure. His manners were digniiled, yet affable. No. CLXXXI. MR. JOHN WEMYSS, MR. ROBERT CLERK, GEORGE PRATT. JOHN WERIIYSS, the figure on the left, was, as the Print denotes, one of the Town Criers, and colleague of the eccentric and consequential George Pratt. He had formerly been a respectable dyer ; but, owing to some reverses in business, he was reluctantly compelled to abandon the trade ; and, from necessity, had recourse to the calling in which he is here represented. He was for many years officer to the Incorporation of Bonnet-makers, for which he received the sum of fifty shillings a year ! He was twice married; and by his first wife had a son and daughter. His son, Mr. Robert Wemyss, was more fortunate in the world. His death, which occurred on the 25th of August 1812, is thus noticed :-“At Edinburgh, Mr. Robert Wemyss, late Deacon of the Incorporation of Bonnet-makers, Council and Dean of Guild Officer of that city. In public and private life he was greatly respected as a worthy and honest man ; and his death is much regretted Wemyss lived at the foot of Forrester’s Wynd. He died in June 1788.
Volume 9 Page 37
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