Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 56
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 43 career, towards the end of the last century, evangelical doctrine was at a very law ebb in Scotland; and t4hrough their instrumentality, it was owing, in no small degree, that so striking a revival has since taken place. Both brothers were authors of theological works highly esteemed in their day. James wrote on the Nature and Doctrine of the Atonement, and an Exposition of the Epistle to the Galatians. Robert’s writings consist of Works on the Evidence of Divine Revelation and Inspiration of Scripture, and an Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans. Robert died in 1842, and James in 1851. Their lives, by Alexander Haldane of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-law, were published in 1852, and the work reached a second edition, No. CLXXXV. SERGEANT-MAJOR PATRICH GOULD, AND AN EDINBURGH VOLUNTEER. THIS is an accurate representation of the late SERGEANT -MAJOR GOULD, in the act of teaching “the young idea how to shoot.” Gould (or rather Guild) was a native of Alva, in Clackmannanshire, one of the little villages located at the foot of the Ochils, where both his grandfather and father appear to have successively held the situation of vilhge piper. His father, John Guild, was twice married.’ Patrick, the youngest of thirteen children, was born on the 31st of January 1749. On the death of his father, which occurred suddenly, the widowed mother removed with her young faniily (four of whom survived) to Glasgow, where the future Sergeant-Major was brought up as a tailor ; but having a strong desire to be a soldier, and entertaining no great partiality for the board, very soon after completing his apprenticeship he enlisted in the Foot Guards, where his activity procured him promotion. In 179 3, Gould was appointed Drill-Sergeant to the Argyleshire Fencibles, then about to be embodied ; and the year following he was transfemed to the First Regiment of Edinburgh Volunteers. How well the Sergeant-Major discharged the duties of his office is in the recollection of many citizens,of Edinburgh who profited by his instructions. He was accurate, attentive, and active ; and as a drill none could surpass him. During his connection with the Volunteers--a period of twenty-one years-he trained upwards of two thousand men to military exercises. Gould added materially to his income by private drilling, many families being in the habit of employing him to give ‘‘ the young folks ” a proper carriage, as they termed it. His manner to a pupil was some- Gould was related (but the precise degree of relationship is unknown, nor indeed does it matter much) to certain persons of a name almost similar, of considerable opulence in the district where he wag born. Latterly they fell back in the world j and some of them had charges of no very creditable description brought against them.
Volume 9 Page 57
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