says the writer, “is not the sole boast of Mr. H-y C-be; his name
as apugilist stands prominent; he is reported to put in a straight blow, in a
neater manner than either H-y A-n or Sir T-s A-ce.
‘ My evenings I will with bruisers spend,
And FIG the prize-fighter shall be my friend,’ ”
The charges brought against the members of the Whig Club, and the scandal
retailed by the author of the sketches, were in many instances so extravagant as
to carry with them their own antidote ; and it is more than likely that his assertions
in the case of Alderman Combe are as little entitled to credit. He is
described as having been a “ kind husband, and an indulgent father ; firm and
warmly sincere in his friendships.’’
Mirza Abu
Taleb Khan, the Persian traveller, describing the entertainment at which he
was present, on a Lord Mayor’s-day, speaks of Miss Combe, in the gallery of
beauty, as “ the bright moon surrounded with brilliant stars.” The occasion
alluded to by the Persian was the annual dinner in 1800, when Lord Nelson
One of his daughters was much celebrated for her beauty.
% was presented with the sword voted him by the city of London :-
“ Some months after my arrival in England, Alderman C[ompe was elected Lord Mayor,‘
and did me the honour of inviting me to his dinner. As soon as I alighted at the door, fifty
of his lordship’s attendants, with spears and maces in their hands, came to meet me, and a band
of music at the same time commenced playing. I was then conducted with great ceremony to
the room where his lordship was sitting with several of the King’s Ministers and other noblemen.
“On my entering the apartment, the Lord Mayor took me by the hand, and, having inquired
respecting my health, introduced me to the Lady Mayoress, who was dressed as fine as a
Queen, and seated with great pomp on a superb sofa. Although it is not customary on these
occasions for the Lady Mayoress to return the salutation of any person, yet, in compliment to
me as a foreigner, her ladyship rose from her seat.
“The dinner having been announced, the Lord Mayor again took my hand,‘and led me to
a table which was raised a step or two above the others. He then placed me opposite himself,
that he might have an opportunity of attending to me. His lordship sat on the right of the
Lady Mayoress; and on his right hand were seated Lord C[oventr]y, Lord S[pense]r, Lord
N[elso]n, and several other noblemen. On the left of her ladyship Kere placed the late Mayor
and his family. The remainder of the company at this table consisted of the Judges, Aldermen,
All the
dishes and plates were of embossed silver ; and the greater number of the goblets and cups and
the candlesticks, were of burnished gold. In the course of my life, I have never seen such a
display of wealth and grandeur. The other tables also appeared to be plentifully and elegantly
served ; and, if I could judge from the apparent happiness of the people at thew, they were
equally pleased with their entertainment as myself.
“After dinner, the healths of the Lord and Lady Mayoress were drunk, with great acclamations
; then the health of the King, and of the Queen ; after which, ‘The prosperity of Lord
Nelson ; and may the victory of the Nile be ever remembered !’ was drunk with loud applause. * * As many of the persons who were seated at the lower end of the room could not see
who were at the upper table, a short time previous to the ladies quitting the company a petition
was sent to the Lord Mayor, to request they might be allowed to pass round the table in small
“The table was covered with a profusion of delicious viands, fruits, wines, etc.
l There appears to be some mistake in this statement, as Sir William Shines was the newly
elected Lord Mayor on this occasion.