Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


246 BIOQRAPHIUAL SKETCHES. These, embracing the two latter of the three heads into which Revelation is usually divided, were so favourably received that the author was induced to undertake the elucidation of the first division of the subject. He had collected ample materials for this purpose, but did not live to see the additional volume put to press. While attending a meeting of Presbytery at Edinburgh, he was seized with an illness, and died nine days afterwards, on the 13th December 1823. A new edit& of his Lectures on Revelation, in three volumes, was published in 1826, containing a memoir of the author, and dedicated to the Marchioness of Huntly, by James Culbertson, his son. Mr. Culbertson married, in 1793, Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Richmond, seed-merchant in Edinburgh, by whom he had a family of five sons and four daughters. No. CCLIII. THE RIGHT HON. CHARLES HOPE OF GRANTON, WHEN LORD ADVOCATE OF SCOTLAND. CHARLES HOPE, Lord President of the Court of Session, was born in 1763. His father, John Hope,’ sometime an eminent merchant in London, and M.P. for the county of Linlithgow, was grandson of the first Earl of Hopetoun j and his mother was a daughter of Eliab Breton of Norton and Fortyhall, in the county of Middlesex. After obtaining the rudiments of education at Enfield School, in that county, he was placed at the High School of Edinburgh, where he was distinguished as dux of the highest class. Designed for a profession, in which several of his ancestors had risen to distinction, his studies at the University were directed for the Scottish bar, and he was admitted a member of the Faculty of Advocates in 1784. Two years subsequently he was nominated Judge-Advocate of Scotland; in 1791 Sheriff of Orkney and Zetland; and in 1801 Lord Advocate of Scotland. Shortly afterwards he was presented with the freedom of Edinburgh, together with a piece of plate of one hundred guineas value, for his services in drawing out, and otherwise aiding the Magistrates in obtaining a Poor’s Bill for the city. At the general election in 1802 he had been returned member of Parliament for the Burgh of Dumfries ; but in December of the same year, in consequence of the elevation of Mr. Dundas to the Peerage, he was unanimously chosen member for the city of Edinburgh. During the few years he continued in Parliament, the Lord Advocate was Mr. Hope cultivated the muse, and produced a volume of poems in 8v0, entitled “Thoughts in Prose and Verse, started in his walks.” Stockton, 1780. One of the pieces is addressed “To Captain Fraser, superintending the Demolition of Dunkirk,” of whom a portrait appears in a previous part of thie Work.
Volume 9 Page 327
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