Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 245 Edinburgh, the duties of which office he performed with the utmost fidelity. While holding this situation, the Associate Union was accomplished-a measure in which he greatly rejoiced, and was one of the committee appointed to negotiate the conjunction. Mr. Culbertson is known to the religious world as a writer of considerable merit. He was one of the original editors of the Christian Magazine, of which the following account is given by his biographer, Mr. Duncan of Mid-Calder :- '' Among some brethren who were assisting in the dispensation of the Lord's Supper at Craignailing, in the year 1796, the Evangelical Magazine, then the only religious periodical publication, having become the subject of conversation, the project of setting on foot a work of the same description in Scotland was conceived, discussed, and resolved upon, provided proper and steady coadjutors could be found. With Mr. Culbertson, the Rev. Messrs. Black of Dunfermline, (one of the projectors), Peddie, M'Crie, and Moore, of Edinburgh, Whytock of Dalkeith, and others, were associated as editors ; and under their management, with a respectable body of contributors, that valuable repository of theological and biblical knowledge commenced. After being carried on for seven or eight years, it was left in the hands of Mr. Whytock of Dalkeith and (the late) Dr. RI'Crie. At the close of 1806, one year after the demise of the former, the work was given up by the latter. It was then claimed by Mr. Culbertson, as one of the original editors; and, in 1807, a new series was commenced by him, in conjunction with Mr. Black of Dunfermline, and the writer of this memoir. The Rev. Afr. Simpson, once ministe? at Thurso, who had been brought up under the pastoral care of Mr. Culbertson, having been admitted to the charge of the Associate Congregation, Potterrow, Edinburgh, was assumed next year into the editorship, and constituted chief conductor of the work. To this Magazine Mr. Culbertson contributed largely, both in the old and in the new series. At length, when occupied with his Lectures on the Revelation, he retired, together with Dr, Black, and left the work to the two remaining editors, by whom, with the help of respected brethren, it was carried on till the union of the two great bodies of Seceders, when it was conjoined with the Christian Repository, under the title of the Christian Monitor." The various publications by Mr. Culbertson appeared in the following order:- In 1800, "Hints on the Ordinance of the Gospel Ministry"-an exposure of lay-preaching, and the inconsistency of latitudinarian fellowship. The same year, "A Vindication of the Principles of Seceders on the Head of Communion j " and, in 1808, " The Covenanter's Manual, or a short Illustration of the Scripture Doctrine of Public Vows." Besides two sermons entitled " Consolation to the Church," Mr. Culbertson published, in 1817, "The Pillar of Rachel's Grave, or a Tribute of respect to departed Worth "-a sermon on the death of the Princess Charlotte, and her infant son ; and, in 1820, on the demise of George III., '' The Death and Character of Asa, King of Judah." His chief work-" Lectures, Expository and Practical, on the Book of Revelation ''-was fist published in two volumes, a few years prior to his death.
Volume 9 Page 326
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