Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


244 BI 0 GRAPH1 CAL SKETCHES. divided in equal portions betwixt his four sisters, one of whom was the mother of David Urquhart, Esq., late secretary to the British legation at Constantinople, and author of a work on the Resources of Turkey, which excited considerable sensation in the diplomatic circles. This gentleman acquired a complete knowledge of the Turkish language, and was known in the city of the Sultan by the cognomen of the ‘‘ English Bey.”’ XO. CCLII. REV. RORERT CULBERTSOK, OF THE ASSOCIATE CONGREGATION, LEITH. MR. CULBERTSOwNa s born at Morebattle, on the 21st September 1765. His father, Mr. James Culbertson, was a farmer and feuar there, an infleuntial member of the Secession congregation, and much respected for his piety and worth. He died in January 1826, at the advanced age of ninety-eight. Mr. Culbertson was taught first at the school of his native parish, and afterwards at the grammar-school of Helso. He entered the University of Edinburgh in 1782, where, with the exception of a season passed in attending the Natural Philosophy Class of Professor Anderson, of the Glasgow College, he continued to prosecute his studies till their close. Having passed through the usual examinations and trials with much approbation, Mr. Culbertson was licensed in 1790; and the following year received a unanimous call from the body, now styled the Associate Congregation, St. Andrew Street, Leith. Their own place of worship being then small, he was ordained in the Chapel of Ease, Dr. Colquhoun having kindly offered it for the occasion. The congregation to which Mr. Culbertson had been called was exceedingly limited ; but daily becoming augmented, a new meeting-house was ultimately found necessary, An enlarged place of worship was accordingly built; and although the old site, with all its disadvantages, was retained, he continued to the last to attract a large and respectable body of hearers. His pulpit oratory, if not of the highest order, was impressive ; and his discourses were distinguished for simplicity, clearness, force, and brevity. He was regular and exemplary in the performance of his pastoral duties, and much respected by his flock In the Missions of the General Associate Synod he was much interested ; and to him the introduction of the Secession into Orkney was mainly owing. ‘ In 1805 Mr. Culbertson was chosen Clerk of the Associate Presbytery in The Rev. Professor Bruce presided. The other sisters of Mr. Hunter were Mrs. Marshall, wife of the late Mr. Marshall, jeweller, Regent Terrace; Mm. Easton; and Mm, Hall, the latter of whom was married to an English gentleman of fortune.
Volume 9 Page 324
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