Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


240 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. as a glazier ; yet, if your lordship’s merited influence, in concert with that of my valuable friend Lord Dundas, would procure for me a renewal of my commission, connecting with me in said commission, an active and prospering young man, a freeman glazier of this city, it would prove the happy means of placing me in a situation truly comfortable in my advanced age, and tend not only to atone for past neglect, but soothe and render the closing scene of life tranquil and serene ! “ MY LORD, Your lordship favouring me with an answer will be highly esteemed by, “Edidurgh, 21st Feb. 1807. ‘‘Right Hon. HENRYE ESKINEM, .P. “ Your lordship’s truly devoted and very humble Servant, “T. S.” “ Lord Advocate of Scotland, LONDON.” Nothing beneficial appears to have resulted from this memorial, if indeed it ever was presented. Mr. Sommers latterly obtained a situation connected with the Convention of Royal Burghs, for which he had a salary of $40 a year. This small sum was his chief dependence. He was also Clerk to the Incorporation of Fleshers, for which he had a trifling allowance; and much of his time was occupied in drawing up petitions, and otherwise assisting those who sought the aid of his pen. Having no children, though twice married, his domestic establishment was limited ; and to the last he maintained a degree of respectability in his appearance. He always dressed in black ; and when his own hair failed, wore a neatly tied and powdered wig. His house in the Advocate’s Close contained a small apartment, lighted from above, where, even in advanced age, he used to sit for days together, occupied in some literary project-a species of amusement he has been often heard to declare essential to his happiness. He contemplated several extensive works. The last of these was a History of the Improvements of Edinburgh. Proposals for this work-of which the following is a copy-were issued in 18 16 :- “ Soon will be published, in one. Yolume Octavo, in hoards, Price 7s. THE RIGHT HON. WILLIAM SRBUTHNOT, LORD PROVOST, MAGISTRATES, AND COUNCIL, DEDICATED TO A RETROSPECT OF THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND THE OTHER EXTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS, OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH, From the 14th of Scptentber 1753, to the 9th July 1816, inclusive; SIXTY-THREE YEARS PERSONAL OBSERVATION : RELIGIOUS, MORAL, AND POLITICAL CHARACTER OF ITS INHABITANTS ; A VIEW OF THEIR MANNERS DURING THAT PERIOD. ADDRESS TO THE CITIZENS AT LARGE. THOMAS SOMMERS, Bwrgess ami Fretmum of Edinburgh, and dIis Maje-sty78 Glmier for Xcotland.” BEING THE RESULT OF WITE OCCASIOKAL REMARKS, NOT ONLY ON THESE IMPROVEMENTS, BUT ON THE AND CONCLUDING WITH A WARM, SEASONABLE, ARD AFFECTIONATE BY
Volume 9 Page 319
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