Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 199 By those assembled, however, he was received with a degree of respect scarcely to have been expected in the then excited state of the public mind. Amongst those that pressed forward to bid him welcome was a jolly Newhaven fishwoman, who, pushing every one aside, seized the hand of the King as he was about to enter his carriage, and with a hearty shake exclaimed, “0, sir, I’m happy to see ye again among decent folk.” Charles smiled, and asking her name, she replied-“ My name’s Kirsty Ramsay, sir, and mony a guid fish I hae gien ye, sir ; and mony a guid shilling I hae got for’t thirty years sin syne.” On the Saturday following his arrival a dinner was given to between thirty and forty respectable citizens, by several of the ex-monarch’s old tradesmen, in honour of his return to Edinburgh. The entertainment took place in Johnston’s Tavern, at the Abbey. After dinner the party repaired to the Palace square, and serenaded its inmates with the old Scotch song “Should auld acquaintance be forgot,” which was excellently sung in parts by about twenty individuals. Three hearty cheers followed the conclusion of the song. The Duc and Duchesse d’sngouleme, having travelled incognito by land, arrived at Douglas’s Hotel on the 27th of October. From thence, in the course of a few days, they removed to No. 21 Regent Terrace, where they passed the winter, as apartments in Holyrood House had not been prepared for them. Besides the parties already mentioned, the Duchesse de Berri, the Baron de Damas, the Marquis de Barbancois, the Abbe de Moligny, and several other persons of high rank, were in the train of the King: most of whom maintaining separate establishments in various quarters of the city, diffused a considerable custom amongst the merchants and tradesmen of Edinburgh. To the poor of the Canongate Charles was extremely liberal, causing a daily supply of provisions to be distributed ; and he allowed his medical attendant, Dr. Bugon, a considerable sum weekly to procure medicine for poor patients, who also received advice gratis from this distinguished physician.’ Nor was the generosity of his Majesty limited to the immediate locality of the Palace. Both he and other members of the family contributed frequently and liberally to the funds of the Poor’s House, the House of Refuge, and other charities. They also gave a handsome donation for the purpose of educating the children of the poor Irish resident in Edinburgh. Whilst they resided in this city, the conduct of the illustrious exiles was unobtrusive and exemplary. Charles himself, it was remarked, appeared thoughtful and melancholy. Be frequently walked in Queen Mary’s garden, being probably pleased by its seclusion and proximity to the Palace. Here, with a book in his hand, he used to pass whole hours in retirement ; sometimes engaged in the perusal of the volume, and anon stopping short, apparently absorbed in deep reflection. In dress and appearance on these occasions, he had very much the appearance of a plain country gentleman, though he who paused 1 There were h all a hundred persons in hia suite. 3 The Doctor having been verysuccessful in the cure of disease, obtained the reputation of considerable science and skill. He was consulted by numerous wealthy aa well as indigent persons. I
Volume 9 Page 268
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