Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 167 retail trade should have remained entirely in the hands of females. The saltwives. were nearly as numerous at one time as the fish-wives. Margaret, however, did not live to witness the-change.l She died about the year 1810. No. CCXXX. ARCHIBALD HAMILTON ROWAN, ESQ., OF KILLILEAGH, IN IRELAND, AND THE HON. SIMON BUTLER. THIS Etching represents these gentlemen as they appeared on the streets of Edinburgh in 179 3. The portraitures are extremely characteristic, particul& that of Rowan. His figure is tall, robust, and erect, with much of that air bf nonchalance for which he was remarkable. In his hand is a huge club, bearing the significant inscription-'' A Pill for a Puppy." In the course of the trial of Muir of Huntershill, the then Lord Advocate of Scotland, Dundas of Arniston, alluding to the leaders of the United Irishmen of Dublin, spoke of them as " wretches who had fled from punishment." Dr. Drennan being then president, and Mr. Rowan secretary, the latter, on the 20th October 1793, addressed a letter to Dundas, demanding instant explanation and recantation of the false and injurious epithets ; with an assurance, that unless a satisfactory answer was returned in course of post, Mr. Rowan would pay him a personal visit before the expiry of the month. No reply was made ; and in the meantime measures were taken by the Procurator Fiscal (Mr. Wm. Scott) to insure the apprehension of Mr. Rowan on his arrival. A petition was presented to the Sheriff, stating "that A. H. Rowan, Esq., of the kingdom of Ireland, designing himself Secretary to the Society of United Irishmen in Dublin, with a wicked and malicious intent, and for other seditious and dangerous purposes, is just now COTW to this country, and is within ymr Lord&p's jurisdiction." This petition was presented on the 28th October, and a warrant of the same date was immediately granted ; although, so far from being within the Sheriff's jurisdiction, the party to be apprehended had not then left Dublin.' Prior to the reduction of the duty, the more economical portion of the working community were in the habit of laying in a small store of salt about the Martinmas t i e , sufficient to serve throughout the winter. To a managing housewife the profit of the hawker was of considerable moment ; and many a denizen of Edinburgh, looking back to his boyish days, must recollect how oft he has joyfully trudged to the Pans of Joppa for his " peck 0' 88'"'' A copy of the petition and warrant appeared in the Mming (;'hroniCle and Cowrier newspapers, xj a specimen of Scottish criminal procedure.
Volume 9 Page 226
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