Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 135 No. CCXVIT. LORD MONBODDO, IN THE COURT OF SESSION. THIS Etching-done in 1799-represents the venerable Judge at a more advanced age than any of the former Prints ; and, by those who remembered his lordship, it was pronounced a most correct likeness. We have already noticed the eccentric, yet amiable character of LORD MONBODDO. As a strong instance of his genuine kindness of disposition, it may be here stated that, notwithstanding the repeated censures and sarcastic remarks on his lordship’s works, which issued from the press of the late Mr. Smellie, in the ‘‘ Edinburgh Magazine and Review,” his friendship and good offices towards that gentleman, whom he always called his learned Printer, continued without interruption. The house occupied for a great many years by Lord Monboddo, and where his “learned supper parties ” were given, was in St. John Street. In his domestic economy Monboddo was extremely hospitable ; but frugal in matters of fashionable ornament. When silver casters were introduced at table, his daughter and housekeeper became anxious to be even with the times ; but well knowing his lordship’s contempt of everything modern, she took the liberty of ordering a set without obtaining his permission. The article came home, and when shown to his lordship, Miss Burnett was delighted to find him inquire whether the dealer had any gold casters P In answer, and anticipating a farther stretch of liberality, she eagerly replied, that although the goldsmith might not have one on hand, she was certain one could soon be made to order. “Well,” said Monboddo, “ I am averse to silver ; and shall prefer one of gold-when I require it. ” About the year 1760, Lord Monboddo married Miss Farquharson, a relation of Marischal Keith, and a lady of great beauty and accomplishments, by whom he had one son and two daughters. Mrs. Eurnett died at an early period ; and his son, to whom he was tenderly attached, survived his mother only six years. His eldest daughter was married to Kirkpatrick Williamson, Esq., late keeper of the Outer-House Rolls. The youngesta lady of an amiable disposition and surpassing beauty-was much attached to her father ; and continued with him until her death. The mind of this estimable young lady, as remarked in an interesting sketch of her character, “was endowed with all her father’s benevolence of temper, and with all his taste for elegant literature, without any portion of his whim or caprice. It was her chief delight to be the nurse and companion of his declining The good-natured reproof was sufficient.
Volume 9 Page 181
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