Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 133 beloved. The second, the Hon. Roger Montgomerie, who was a Lieutenant in the navy, fell a victim to pestilential disease at Port Royal, Jamaica, in January 1799. She was remarkable for every domestic virtue which could adorn the female character; and during her long residence at Eglinton Castle, a great portion of her time was occupied in attending the sick and relieving the destitute. To her care her brother the Earl was intrusted during his early years-a trust which she performed with the utmost affection and fidelity. Lady Jane was married to Archibald Hamilton, Esq. of Blackhouse, late of the East India Company’s service, and resided at Roselle, a seat of the Earl of Eglinton, in the immediate neighbourhood of Ayr ; where she continued to practise those charitable virtues which so much distinguished her earlier years. Lady Lilias was married at Coilsfield, on the 1st February 1796, to Robert Dundas M‘Queen, Esq., of Braxfield, who died in 1819. Her ladyship afterwards married Richard Alexander Oswald, Esq., of Auchincruive. Lady Jane remained unmarried till after her father’s death. No. CCXV, REV. JAMES STRUTHERS, MINISTER OF THE RELIEF CHAPEL, COLLEGE STREET. MR. STRUTHEwRaSs born at the village of Glassford, in Lanarkshire, in 1770, He early manifested abilities of no ordinary description ; and, having studied with success at the University of Glasgow, he was licensed to preach at a period of life when most other students are only about to commence their course of divinity. In 1791, ere he had completed his majority, he was ordained to the Relief Chapel in College Street-the first of that connection erected in Edinburgh, and which had previously been filled by the Rev. Mr. James Baine. Mr. Struthers soon became popular, and was considered one of the first pulpit orators of his day. He was highly esteemed as a man of superior intelligence; and his premature death, which took place on the 13th July 1507, was deeply and generally lamented. Although often importuned to publish his discourses, hfr. Struthers constantly resisted the proposal. This diffidence was supposed to arise from a conviction that they were better adapted for the pulpit than the closet ; but, on on it. On obtaining the management of his own affairs in 1833, his lordship recommenced the works which had been so long suspended at Ardrossan ; and we learn that that harbour is now the most prosperous on the whole Ayrshire coast.
Volume 9 Page 177
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