Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


132 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. mercial stagnation his lordship was ever ready to enter into any scheme of relief; and to the necessitcus generally he was a constant friend. In domestic life he displayed much of the spirit and manners of the ancient baron. He was always accessible to his numerous tenantry ; and notwithstanding a certain austerity of manner, lived on terms of familiarity with those around him.’ He was much devoted to niusic as an evening amusement-performed on the violin with considerable skill-and composed the popular tunes called “ Lady Montgomerie’s Reel,” and “ Ayrshire Lasses,” besides several other admired airs-a selection of which was recently arranged for the pianoforte, and published by Mr. Although for several years a member of the House of Commons, and deeply interested in the political questions of the day, the Earl was never distinguished for his oratory. Better qualified for the camp or for the field, he wisely refrained from attempting to contend in the arena of debate ; but in all practical matters his assistance was equally ready and efficient. The following lines by Burns are truly descriptive of his character.:- Turnbull of alas’“, OW. “ Thee, sodger Hugh,2 my watchman stented, If bardies ere are represented : I ken, if that your sword were wanted, Ye’d lend your hand ; But when there’s aught to say anent it, Ye’re at a stand.3 The Earl married Eleanore, fourth daughter of Robert Hamilton, Esq. of Eourtreehill, in the county of Ayr, and sister to Jean Countess of Crawford and Lindsay ; and had by her two sons and two daughters. The eldest, Archibald Lord Montgomerie, died while abroad for his health in 1814.‘ He was Major-General, and a gallant officer; much esteemed and Among the privileged characters who used to frequent the Castle, Daft WiZZ Speir, well known in that quarter, was the most regular. On his way from the kitchen one day after dinner, where he had heeu plentifully supplied, Will wa.9 met by his lordship, who inquired where he had been. “Ou, ay,” replied Will, in the act of polishing a pretty roughish bone, “plenty 0’ freen’s whan a body has ocht. Yesterday, ye ne’er looked the road I was on.” Although Will knew that nothing provoked the Earl so much as passing through his policies, yet he generally took the nearest way, independent of all ohstructions. In the act of crossing a fence one day, he was discovered by his lordship, who called out-“Come back, sir, that’s not the road.” “DO ye ken,” said Will, “ whaur I’m gaun ? ” “ Wee1 how the dei1 do ye ken whether this be the road or no 2” (The Earl was particularly careful about his policies, and frequently prosecuted offenders with much severity.) “ No,” replied the Earl. * He was at that time Major Montgomerie. These lines, although omitted in the “Earnest Cry and Prayer,” are given in Cunninghame’s edition of Burns, from the poet’s MSS. Lord Montgomerie married Lady Mary Montgomerie, eldest daughter of Archibald, the eleventh Earl of Eglinton, by whom he had two aons. The eldest, a boy of great promise, died when about eix years of age. He was much caressed by his grandfather, with whom he resided ; and who caused an elegant column of white marble to be erected to his memory in a sequestered spot among the woods, near Eglinton Castle. The second son, Archibald, born in 1812, succeeded to the title, During his minority it is understood the estate WBS relieved of many of the burdens
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