Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 140
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 105 public dinner given in honour of that event. Of this we find the following notice in the Courant newspaper :- " On Monday afternoon, 8th June 1828, about a hundred gentlemen belonging to Lady Glenorchy's Chapel gave an entertainment, in the Waterloo Tavern, to their highly respected clergyman, on occasion of his entrance on the fiftieth year of his ministry over that congregation. Several friends of the Rev. Doctor were present, among whom we noticed the Lord Provost (Walter Brown), Rev. Dr. Gordon, Dr. Dickson, &. Paul, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Purves, J. S. More, Esq., and R. Paul, Esq. The chair was ably filled by John Tawse, Esq., who, in an eloquent speech, in which he paid a high and deserved compliment to Dr. Jones for the fidelity with which he had discharged his dutiea as a minister, concluded by presenting him with an elegant silver vase, as a tribute of the respect and esteem which the people entertained for the uniform uprightness of his conduct during the long period they had enjoyed his ministry. The Rev. Doctor made a feeling and appropriate reply, assuring the chairman and gentlemen present that he required no token or mark of respect to bind him to a congregation to whom he was so sincerely attached. John Bonar, Esq., of Ratho,l and J. F. M'Farlan, Esq., acted as croupiers. " Besides a funeral sermon 011 the death of Lady Glenorchy, and a volume of sermons, Dr. Jones published a Life of Lady Glenorchy, which is much esteemed. No. CCVII. WILLIARI FORBES, ESQ. OF CALLENDAR. THISI ' son of fortune " was a native of Aberdeen, and brought up as a tinsmith. Having gone to London in early life, he was at length enabled to enter into business for himself, and was struggling to rise into respectability, when, by a fortunate circumstance, the path to opulence was invitingly opened to him. In the course of the year 1780, various plans were proposed to preserve vessels from the effects of sea-water. The late Lord Dundonald, who died at Paris in 1831, having directed his attention to the subject, invented a species of coal-tar, which, on trial, was found to answer the purpose ; and the ingenious Mr. Bonar died on the 26th November 1838, a few months previous to Dr. Jones. His father, the late Alexander Bonar, Esq., one of the partners of the long-established firm of Ramsays, Bonars, and Co., bankera in Edinburgh, was among the earliest and most intimate friends of Dr. Jones in Scotland ; and was so highly esteemed by Lady Glenorchy for his Christian principles, his prudence, integrity, and iinobtrusive worth, that she nominated him as one of her trustees to manage the affairs of her Chapel upon her death. His son continued to take a lively interest in all that belonged to this Chapel ; and his death, which was very unexpected, was felt as a severe loss by the friends of that Institution. This event was also much lamented by the public at large, as Mr. Bonar was universally respected for the kindness and frankness of his disposition, and for his readiness on all occasions to promote the interests of those around him. In 1826-7, he was in the magistracy of the city, and there conducted himself in a manner that secured him the approbation of men of all parties. He was subsequently named one of the trustees for the city creditors ; and although in this capacity he did not unnecessarily obtrude his own views on others, he devoted his time cheerfully to the duties of the ofice, and understood 80 well the practical bearing of the different points from time to time occurring, that his opinion was always received with much respect. VOL. 11. P
Volume 9 Page 141
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