Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


B I 0 GRAPH I CA L S K E T C €I E S. 103 of a stated pastor. With this view she invited Dr. Jones to come to Scotland and preach. He acceded to her request, and the congregation having heard him several times, and being fully satisfied, gave him a call to become their minister. This call he accepted; and after being ordained to the office of pastor by the Scotch Presbytery of London, he came back to Scotland, and on the 25th July 1779, was settled as minister of Lady Glenorchy’s Chapel. Here he continued to labour from that date until about three years previous to his death, which happened on the 3d March 1837, a period of nearly fifty-eight years. In a city like Edinburgh there must of course always be great variety in the merits of the clergymen ; and those who occupy the highest stations are not necessarily the most popular. So it was with Dr. Jones. He was not one of the of the public, and roused the indignation of the good lady’s friends, whose character was falsely and scandalously attacked by a member of that reverend body. Though I am a great friend to L. G. (Lady Glenorchy), I am no Enthusiast, which, in some people’s opinion, are synonymous terms. She is, doubtless, far from being perfect j yet we read of one, of whom there is occasion to believe worse things, who was set forth in the midst of a company of scribes and pharisees (I do not know if there were any ministers among them !) and he that was without sin among them was desired to cast the first stone at her ; yet proud and hot-headed as they were, not one had the assurance to proceed so far. But our Modern Reformers do not betray such a pusillanimous conduct ; they are men of more courage! (though it is not their sinless perfection that entitles them to go farther than their brethren of old, who, it seems, had a more modest assurance), They scatter firebrands and sharp arrows, even bitter words, and do not so much as pretend that they are in sport. Would cutting off a right em satisfy such rage as this I! Nothing less would appease such blind and furious zeal, than razing to the foundations. These men are indeed sharp-edged Tools, the keenness of which makes them often cut before the point : insomuch that the more Jfunnerly friends to the cause which they so desperutely espouse, cannot sit silent and hear such unjust mpersions thrown out against a good lady behind her back. And one, in particular, could no longer be an idle Uriewe,l but rose up and reproved his brother in the spirit of Meekness- ‘‘ Not all the RoLwtsons of Rathos * Could have spoke out with so much pathos. Claudero, though in constant use, Could not have hatch’d so much abuse. I’m bold to say there is not any Could match the Parson of Dalmeny. In Grub-street art he carries the degree, As all the Synod know, as well as me. Then, Master of this art, let him be made, As he’s so learned in the railing trade ; Though in divinity he knows not A, B, C, He then may grace his works with a D.D.” This refers to a circumstance which occurred in the debate before the Synod. The Rev. Mr. Robertson, “the Parson of Dalmeny,” instead of confining himself to the exact subject before the Court, broke out into an attack upon the character of Lady Glenorchy, and was immediately called to order by Dr. Erskine. This, however, did not induce him to desist; he proceeded notwithstanding, until Dr. Grieve, minister of Dalkeith, and a supporter of the same views of ecclesiastical policy, interfered, and insisted on his friend abandoning such a line of argument. Mr. Robertson was not prepared for any interruption from this quarter ; and, it is reported, was so mnch confounded by it, that he immediately cut short a premeditated harangue upon the nature and evils of enthusiasm, and the paramount importance of good works I Mr. Robertson was at this time minister of Ratho.
Volume 9 Page 138
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