Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


256 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Similar addresses were presented by the Hibernian Medical Society and by the American Physical Society of Edinburgh. The following resolution was agreed to by the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh :- I( Exinburgh College, January 27.-The Phncipal and the Professon of the University of Edinburgh being this day convened in the Senatus. Academicus, Dr. Gregory informed them that, at a meeting of the Royal Medical Society, and of the other gentlemen, the former and present pupils of Dr. Cnllen, it had been resolved to erect some durable monument of grateful respect for their venerable instructor ; and the committee appointed for carrying this determination into execution, thinking a conspicuous place in the new College wonld be most proper for that purpose, he was empowered to request, in their name, the consent of the Senatus Academicus. “The members of the Senatus Academicus, thoroughly acquainted with the eminent and various talents of their illustrious colleague, and sensible how much they have contributed towards increasing the reputation of the school of medicine in the University, unanimously expressed the warmest approbation of this resolution ; and they have no doubt their venerable patrons, who, with their usual attention to the welfare of the University, have already given a public and honourable testimony of the estimation in which they hold the genius and merit of Dr. Cullen, will readily concur with them in granting what is desired. And the Senatus Academicus desired their secretary to furnish Ur. Gregory with an extract of this minute, to be by him communicated to the Royal Medical Society, and the other gentlemen concerned. (Signed) ‘ I WM. ROBERTSONPr, incipal. ‘ I ANDW.D ALZIELSe, cretary.” Dr. Cullen, now far advanced in years, had thus the satisfaction of anticipating, from these flattering testimonials of respect, in what estimation his character was likely to be held by posterity. He died at his house in the Mint Close, on the 5th of February 1790, aged eighty-one. No. CV. WILLIAM BRODIE, DEACON OF THE INCORPORATION OF WRIGHTS AND MASONS, EDINBTTRGH. THE trial of this individual for breaking into the Excise Office (then in Chessel’s Court, Canongate), on the 5th March 1788, created an unprecedented excitement in Edinburgh, arising not only from the extent and aggravated nature of the burglary, but from the respectable sphere of life in which the criminal previously moved. His father, Convener Francis Brodie, carried on an extensive trade as a wright and cabinet-maker in the Lawnmarket, and was for many years a member of the Town Council. On his death in 1780, his only son, William, succeeded to his business; and he was, in 1781, chosen one of the ordinary Deacon Councillors of the City. Unfortunately for the prosperity of the young deacon, he had at an early period imbibed a taste for gambling, and acquired considerable expertness in turning
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