Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 249 gentleman of our acquaintance relates that he one day happened -to pounce upon him at his seat of Tarlogie. Lord Ankerville had then reached his seventy-fifth year. Being alone, he had just sat down to dinner ; and not having expected a strauger, he apologised for his uncropped beard. Our friend was, of course, welcomed to the board, and experienced the genuine hospitality of a Highland mansion. After having done ample justice to the table, and when his lordship had secured a full allowance of claret under his belt, he went to his toilette, and, to the astonishment of his guest, appeared at supper cleanly and closely shaved, to whom he remarked, that his hand was now more steady than it would have been in the morning. Lord Ankerville died at his seat of Tarlogie on the 16th August 1805, in the seventy-eighth year of his age. His residence in Edinburgh was in St. Andrew Square. No. CI. FRANCIS HOME, M.D., PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA IN THE UNIVERSITY OB EDINBURGH! AND ONE OF THE KING’S PFIYSICIANS FOR SCOTLAND. DR. HOME was born on the 17th November 1719. He was the third son of Mr. Home of Eccles, an advocate, and author of fieveral works, professional and historical. He placed his son under the charge of Mr. Cruickshanks of Dunse, then esteemed one of the best classical scholars and teachers, and who had the faculty of inspiring his scholars with a taste for classical learning. Mr. Home having chosen medicine as a profession, served an apprenticeship with Mr. Rattray, then the most eminent surgeon in Edinburgh. He afterwards studied under the medical Professors of the University of Edinburgh of the period ; and applied with so much zeal and assiduity as frequently to obtain the approbation of his teachers. He contracted friendships with many of his fellow students, which lasted through life ; and he was among the few who founded the Royal Medical Society, which has continued to the present day, and has contributed greatly to the celebrity of the Edinburgh school of medicine. After finishing his studies Mr. Home obtained a commission of surgeon in a regiment of dragoons, and joined it on the same day with his friend the late Sir William Erekine. He served in Flanders with that regiment during the whole of the “ seven-years’ war.” Amidst the din of arms, and the desultory life of soldiers, Mr. Home did not spend his time in idleness. He discharged his duty so faithfully that he often received the approbation of his superior officers, and especially of Sir John Pringle, the head of the medical department of that army ; and he laid up a store of medical facts, many of which he afterwards published. At the end of several campaigns, instead of partaking of the relaxation and dissipation . of winter quarters, Mr. Home, as often as he could obtain leave of absence, went 2 K
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