Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


B T 0 G R A P HI CA L S I< ET C HE S. 245 their private library. By singular regularity in the arrangement of his time, and strict frugality, Mr. Paton not only discharged his duties in the Custom- House with fidelity, but found leisure to acquire a degree of antiquarian lore, and was enabled to increase his curious collections to an extent seldom attained by a single individual. He was well known to almost all the literary characters of his own country, and to many English antiquaries and men of letters. Apparently unambitious of figuring in the world as an author himself, Mr. Paton was by no means chary of assisting others. His services-his knowledge-his time-as well as his library,’ were at the command of all his friends. These ultimately became a sort of common, where our antiquarian writers of last century were wont to luxuriate, and whence they would return, like bees, each to his own peculiar locality, laden with the spoil obtained from the stores of this singularly obliging and single-hearted individual. Mr. Paton was thus led into a very extended circle of literary acquaintance, with whom he maintained a constant and very voluminous correspondence, Amongst others, we may instance Lord Hailes, Dr. Robertson, Gough? Percy, Ritson, Pennant, George Chalmers (author of Caledonia), Captain Grose, Callander of Craigforth, Riddle of Glenriddle, Law (author of the “Fauna Orcadensis ”), Herd (the Collector of Scotfish Ballads), etc. Of the “ Paton Correspondence,” preserved in the Advocates’ Library, two small volumes have been published; the one in 1829, the other in 1830. The former is entitled “Letters from Joseph Ritson, Esq., to George Paton;” the latter, “ Letters from Thomas Percy, D.D. (afterwards Bishop of Dromore), John Callander of Craigforth, David Herd, and others, to George Paton.” These volumes, not generally known, from the limited impression thrown off, are enriched by many interesting editorial notes, and are highly entertaining and curious, They also bear unquestionable testimony to the status in which Mr. Paton was held as a literary antiquary, and to the alacrity with which he laboured to supply the desiderata of his friends. It is a curious fact, hawever, that, with the exception of Gough, few or none of those who were so materially indebted to him for information and assistance had the candour to acknowledge the source from whence they were aided ; and many of them afterwards seemed desirous of suppressing all knowledge of the fact. The correspondence between Gough and Paton at once shows the extent and importance of the information furnished by the latter ; and, indeed, this is acknowledged in handsome terms by Gough, in the preface to his new edition of the British Topography. Alluding to the article upon Scottish topography, he says-“ by the indefatigable attention of his very ingenious and communicative friend, Mr. George Paton, of the Custom House, Edinburgh,” It is said the late Archibald Constable derived much of his knowledge of the rarity of books Two large volumes of Mr. Paton’a letters to Gough, full of important literary and topographical from his acquaintance with Mr. Paton. information, are in the library of the Faculty of Advocates.
Volume 8 Page 343
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