He was one of the original members Fof the Antiquarian Society, instituted
chiefly by the exertions of the Earl of Buchan;’ and so early as 1768 he had
spent nearly twelve months in London, in the familyof Sir Robert Herries,
where he became a member of the London Literary Club, and formed an
acquaintance with the principal literary characters of that period. Among the
latter was the celebrated painter, Sir Joshua Reynolds, who executed two
admirable portraits of Sir William Forbes.
By such an extended circle of acquaintance, Sir William was led into an
interesting and extensive correspondence, for which he evidently had a high
relish, although almost the only relic of his talents in composition is an
“Account of the Life and Writings of James Beattie, LL.D.,” author of the
“Essay on Truth” (in answer to some of the Essays of David Hume, the
celebrated philosopher and historian), ‘‘ The Minstrel,” etc. This work was
published in 1806, and has passed through three or four editions. It includes
many original letters of his early and esteemed friend, and is an excellent
specimen of what might have been expected from Sir William’s pen, had not
perhaps higher and more important duties engrossed the greater portion of his
Sir William’s circle of friends, however, was by no means confined to men
of professional literary talents, or to those who might benefit by his patronage.
He wit~i intimately acquainted with Lord Melville and with Mr. Pitt, who had
frequent interviews with Sir William on subjects of finance. In short, his house
in Edinburgh was the resort of all ranks; and few foreigners of distinction
visited Scotland without having letters of introduction to him. He was
frequently offered a seat in Parliament, both for the city of Edinburgh and the
county of Aberdeen, but he uniformly declined the honour; in doing so he
sacrificed the gratification of a laudable ambition to a sense of duty, which he
conceived to be limited to the sphere in which he had already been the promoter
of so many benefits. From similar praiseworthy motives he also declined the
honour of an Irish Peerage proposed to him by Mr. Pitt in 1799,
The health of Sir William began to decline in 1791, at which period he had
a severe illness, and in 1802 Lady Forbes died, a circumstance which sensibly
affected his spirits. On his return from London in 1806, whither he had
been summoned as a witness on Lord Melville’s trial, he began to feel
symptoms of decay ; and, after having been confined to the house from the 28th
June, he expired on the 12th November 1806, surrounded by his friends, and
inspired by every hope which a virtuous and useful life is so capable of affording,
Sir William had a large family; besides his eldest son and successor, he left
Lord Medwyn, Mr. George Forbes, and five daughters, four of whom are now
married-Lady Wood, Mrs. M‘Donnell of Glengarry, Mrs. M‘Kenzie of
Portmore, and Mrs. Skene of Rubislaw. His successor, Sir William, was cut
off in the middle of his years and usefulness, leaving three sons. The eldest,
1780 t i the period of his demise.
1 Sir William held the situation of Treasurer of the Antiquarian Society, from ita institution in