Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


I46 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. to press around him ; and on some gentlemen calling out to secure him, he ran along the pier a few yards, brandishing his cutlass and uttering defiance. He then went on board the store-ship lying at the pier, and stationing himself upon the bowsprit, threatened to stab any one who should attempt to lay hands on him ; and on some one calling out " Murderer ! " from the pier, he again ran on shore, chasing the crowd with his cutlass. The boatswain of the Unicorn at last came up to him, and desired him to sheath his sword, but he refused. The boatswain then asked it from him, when a struggle ensued, on which one Fowler Ferguson, a carter and publican in Leith, came up and took the cutlass out of White's hand. The prisoner was then conveyed to the Council Chamber, From exculpatory proof led, it was shown that White bore an excellent character, both for sobriety and humanity ; that he could have entertained no malice towards Jones, as he had only the day before sheltered him from punishment for being drunk; and likewise that, as desertions were at the time prevalent, he had acted under the impression that Jones wished to escape. Whatever else might have had influence, it was evident that drink had been the cause of the unhappy act-the ship arrived at Leith on the 14th, and the hands had received their pay only ten days previous at Stromness, so that a little irregularity might have been expected. Although the prisoner was indicted for murder, yet the jury, after a lengthened examiiation, found him guilty of culpable homicide; and the Lords of Justiciary, in consideration of the previous good character of the unfortunate young gentleman, sentenced him to fourteen years' transportation. No. LXIII. MR. HENDERSON AND hIR. CHARTERIS, OF THE THEATRE-ROYAL, EDINBURGH, IN THE CEARACTERS OF SIR JOHN FALSTAFF AND BARDOLPH. MR. HENDERSON, as Xir John FuZstu& a character in which he has probably never been surpassed, will be easily distinguished to the left ; and it must be admitted, that in this sketch of the scene betwixt the valiant Sir John and his friend Bardolph, the pencil of the artist has felicitously conveyed a portion of the genuine animation of the original It was in February 1746 that Mr. John Henderson first saw the light in Goldsmith Street, Cheapside ; his family was originally Scotch, and he is said to have been a descendent in a direct line from the famous Dr, Alexander Henderson. His father died two years after the birth of our hero, leaving him and two brothers to the protection of their mother, who retired with them
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