Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 91 The seconds think it proper to add, that both parties behaved with the utmost coolness and intrepidity. “ RAWDON. ‘ I WINCHILSEA ‘‘ Tuesday evening, May 26th.” It is reported that her Majesty the Queen, who might have been supposed inclined to resent an attempt upon the life of her son, so far from appearing to do so, politely received the Colonel shortly afterwards at the Spanish ambassador’s gala. On the 28th Colonel Lennox found it necessary to solicit his Royal Highness, as Colonel of the Coldstream Guards, to permit a call of the officers to colisider of “ certain propositions touching his conduct and situation,” which the Duke at once agreed to. The opinion of this military convention was as follows :-“ It is the opinion of his Majesty’s Coldstream Regiment of Guards, that Colonel Lennox, subsequent to the 15th instant, has behaved with courage, but from the peculiarity of the circumstances, not with judgment.” In consequence of this ambiguous decision, the Colonel and his friends deemed it proper for him to leave the Guards. He, accordingly, on the 16th of June, exchanged with Lord Strathaven of the 35th, which regiment was then stationed in Edinburgh Castle ; previous to joining, however, Colonel Lennox had occasion to fight another duel, a pamphlet having been published by one Theophilus Swift, Esq., throwing reflections on the character of the Colonel. The latter immediately called on Mr. Swift ; a meeting was the consequence, on the morning of the 3d July, in a field near to the Uxbridge road-Mr. Swift attended by Sir William Brown, and Colonel Lennox by Colonel Phipps. The principals took their stations at the distance of ten paces, when Lennox, being the injured party, was allowed to fire first. The ball took effect in the body of Rlr. Swift,’ whose pistol went off without injury. Mr. Swift soon recovered from the effects of the wound. Colonel Lennox at length arrived in Edinburgh on the 21st of the month. In the evening the Castle was illuminated in honour of his joining the regiment, on which occasion he gave “ an excellent entertainment to the officers, and ten guineas to the privates, to drink his health,” the officers also giving ten guineas for the same purpose. Shortly after, he visited Gordon Castle, where he was married to Lady Charlotte, eldest daughter of the Duke of Gordon, and niece to the celebrated Lady Wallace. About this time the Incorporation of Goldsmiths in Edinburgh made the Colonel an honorary member of their body, and presented him with the free- ’ This gentleman’s father was nearly related to the celebrated Dean Swift, a life of whom he published. After the Colonel’s succession to the Dukedom, and his appointment to the Lieutenancy of Irelaud, in 1807, it occurred that &. Swift was one of the party at a ball given at Dublin Castle. On being presented to the royal depute, Mr. Swift humorously remarked, “ This is a Werent ball from that your Highness favoured me with the last time we met.”
Volume 8 Page 129
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