Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


90 €51 0 GRAPH I C AL S‘K ET C H E S. No. XXXIX THE RIGHT HONOURABLE COLONEL LENNOX. THIS nobleman was born in Scotland in 1764, and succeeded to the Dukedom of Richmond and Lennox in 1806. He is best known, however, as “ Colonel Lennox,” having incurred considerable notoriety as a duellist, by challenging and fighting with a prince of the blood-royal. At the time this affair of honour took place, Lennox was Captain of a company in the Coldstream Guards, of which regiment the late Duke of York was Colonel. The cause of quarrel originated on the part of the Duke, who reported, that at the club in D’Aubigney’s, Colonel Lennox had submitted to certain expressions unworthy of a gentleman, On learning this the Colonel despatched a letter to the Duke, stating, that as neither he nor any member of the club recollected hearing such words addressed to him, he thought his Highness “ ought to contradict the report as publicly as he had asserted it.” The Duke replied that t,he words were spoken in his own presence, and therefore he could not be subject to mistake : he was only bound to maintain his own opinion that they ought to have been resented by a gentleman. The immediate consequence was a message to his Royal Highness desiring satisfaction. A meeting accordingly took place on Wimbledon Common on the 26th May li89, Lord Rawdon acting as second to the Duke of York, and the Earl of Winchilsea (one of the Lords of the Bed-Chamber to the King), as second to Colonel Lennox. Of this transaction these gentlemen published the following account :- “The ground was measured at twelve paces, and both parties were to fire upon a signal agreed upon. The signal being given, Colonel Lennox fired, and the ball grazed his Royal Highness’s curl. The Duke of York did not fire. Lord Rawdon then interfered and said, ‘that he thought enough had been done.’ Colonel Lennox observed ‘that his Royal Highness had not fired.’ Lord Rawdon said, ‘ It was not the Duke’s intention to fire-his Royal Highness had come out upon Colonel Lennox’s desire to give him satisfaction, and had no animosity against him.’ Colonel Lennox pressed that the Duke of York should fire, which was declined upon a repetition of the reason. Lord Winchilsea then went up to the Duke of York, and expressed his hope that his Royal Highness couId have no objection to say he considered Colonel Lennox as a man of honour and courage 1 His Royal Highness replied that he should say nothing ; he bad come out to give Colonel Lennox satisfaction, and did not mean to fire at him ; if Colonel Lennox was not satisfied he might fire again. Colonel Lennox said he could not possibly fire again at the Duke, as his Royal Highness did not mean to fire at him. On this both parties left the ground.
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