Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 1


BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 77 hearty pinch of snuff, exclaimed, ‘‘ Vir sapit pi paum lopuitur 1” and then descended from the rostrum with the greatest composure. He used to boast that when a student he once forced a smile from Professor Leslie, while engaged in the act of public prayer with the students. Skene had a fever, and was obliged for some time to wear a huge horse-hair wig. One morning, during prayers, he doffed his wig, and threw it into the middle of the floor, at the same time affecting to look round, that he might discover the wag who had treated him with such indignity. He then went quickly forward, took up the wig, and studiously placed it with the back part in front of his bald POW. The whole affair was conducted, on his part, with such comic gravity, as to force a smile from the saturnine Professor. In the latter part of his life, Dr. Ogilvy had an attack of apoplexy, which tended to weaken his mental faculties. He ultimately repaired to London, where he died, He was a very plainlooking man; and hence his sobripuet of “The Beauty of Holiness.” It was the fashion of his younger days to powder deeply : a friend as ugly as himself, chancing to meet him one day, compared him to the foul fiend looking out from under a wreath of snow-“Gude e’en to you, brither Hornie!” was the Doctor’s ready reply. The Print strongly resembles him. No. 11.-DR. ALEXANDER GERARD. This eminent Professor first held the chair of Moral Philosophy, and afterwards that of Divinity, in Marischal College, from which chair he was translated in 1771 to the Professorship of Divinity in King’s College. His works on Taste and Genius are well known. He died in March 1795. He is represented as addressing his colleagues, and saying-“ Had you not sold your patronages, first minister might have been annexed to my divine chair of verity and taste.” This alluded to what had taken place a considerable number of years before. As the reveuue of the College was but very slender, the members were reduced to the necessity of having recourse, for the improvement of it, to such means as were within their reach. With this view, several schemes were proposed about the year 1751, and at last the sale of the “Superiorities and Church Patronages” was adopted, by which it is said that three thousand pounds sterling were added to the funds of the society. The purchase was made by the Earl of Fife, who thus acquired the right of patronage to about fifteen parishes. The quill in the Doctor’s cap probably refers to his diligence and success as an author. No. 111.-MR. RODERICR M‘LEOD, Sub-Principal of King’s College. This gentleman was for many years a Professor in the University, and in 1764 was chosen Sub-Principal. Whilst holding this appointment, he became remarkable for his extraordinary exertions in procuring studenh to enter King’s College. His general acquaintance throughout the Highlands afforded him excellent opportunities of doing so; and he was not sparing of his endeavours. His tours through the north of Scotland were long proverbial in
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