Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


200 the reign of James 111. there were two or three vessels called ?royal,? and among them often appears the name of this famous Ydow Caravel, latterly called Admiral Wood?s ship, as if it were his own private, and at other times a royal, vessel. The supposition has been that she belonged originally to either Wood or Barton, who sold her to King James. Wood had been a faithful servant to the latter, says Scotstarvit, and was knighted by him in 1482, OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH, have taken place in r481. Prior to 1487 Sir Andrew Wood is supposed to have relinquished commerce for the king?s service, and to have married a lady, Elizabeth Lundie (supposed to be of the Balgonie family), by whom he had several sons, two of whom became men of eminence in after years. Thus, from being a merchant skipper of North Leith, he became an opulent and enterprising trader by his own talent and the course of public [Leith. LEITH HARBOUR, 1829. (Afier Sk)hcrd.) when there was granted to him (Alexander Duke of Albany being then Lord High Admiral) a iach of the estate of Largo to keep his ship in repair, and on the tenure that he should be ready at the call of the King to pilot and convey him and the queen to the shrine and well of St. Adrian in the Isle of May. James afterwards gave him the heritage of the estate on which he had been born by a charter under the Great Seal, which recites his good service by sea and land. This was confirmed by James IV. in 1497, with the addition that one of his most eminent deeds of arms had been his successful defence of the castle of Dumbarton against the English navy, an exploit buried in obscurity, and which Pidkerton suggests must events, ??a brave warrior and skilful naval commander,? says Tytler, ? an able financialist, intimately acquainted with the management of commercial transactions, and a stalwart feudal baron, who, without abating anything of his pride or his prerogative, refused not to adopt in the management of his estates those improvements whose good effects he had observed in his travels over various parts of the continent? He was blunt in manner yet honest of purpose, and most loyal in heart to his royal master, lames 111. ; and when the troubles of the latter began in his fierce war with the lawless, proud, and turbulent Scottish barons-troubles that ended so tragically after the temble battle of Sauchieburn in
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