Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


armed men; at Bilston Burn is Wallace?s camp, in the form of a half-moon, defended by a broad deep ditch-a semicircle of eighty-four yards. It is ten yards wide at the top and five yards at the bottom, with a depth now of three yards. The Cast-a rugged path-at Springfield is a corruption of Via ad cmtra, and is, no doubt, an old Roman road, though in some places now six feet below the present surface (?New Statistical Account?) ; and at Mavisbank is a tumulus, wherein ROSLIN CHAPEL:-VIEW FROM THE CHANCEL (Affer a PhfopajA 61 G. W. wihon & CO.) - Lord of the Bedchamber to His Imperial Majesty Joseph II., Emperor of Germany, Knight of the Order of Maria ?Theresa, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, and General of the Imperial, Royal, and Apostolical Armies. Died at Pisa, in Italy, 6th February, MDCCXC., in the LXIV. year of his age.? Captain Philip Lockhart, of the Dryden family, was one of the prisoners taken at Preston, in England, in 1715, and for having previously borne a commission in the British army, was tried by courthave been found stiZi, f l u h , weapons, bridles, and Roman surgical instruments ; and at a farm close by is another, wherein urns full of calcined bones have been excavated. The Maiden Castle at Lasswade was situated some three hundred yards south of the Hewan, in a spot of exceeding loveliness. Nothing now remains of it save massive foundations, but by whom it was founded or to whom it belonged not even a tradition remains. Near Mount Marl, and by the high road at Dryden, in a field, stands the great monument of one of the former proprietors of the estate, bearing the following inscription :- ?James Lockhart-Wishart of Lee and Carnwath, martial ; and by a savage stretch of power was, with Major Nairne, Ensign Erskine, Captain Shaftoe, and others, shot for alleged desertion. Nairne and Lockhart denied that they could be guilty of desertion, as ?they had no commission from, nor trust under, the present Government, and the regiment to which they belonged had been broken several years ago in Spain,? and that they regarded their half-pay but as a gratuity for their past services to Queen Anne. Major Nairne was the first who perished. ? After he was shot, Captain Lockhart would not suffer the soldiers to touch his friend?s body, but with his own hands, with help of the other two gentlemen, laid him in his coffin j after which he
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