Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


Roslin.1 THE sr. CLAIRS. 349 Lords Sinclair of Herdmanston. The second son, also called William, continued the line of the Earls of Caithness ; while the thud son, Oliver, founded the more modern family, and connected it with the ancient one of St. Clair of Roslin. In 1583, Thomas Vans and Archibald Hoppringall, burgesses of Edinburgh, became caution for Edward Sinclair, eldest son of Sir William of Roslin, that his spouse, Christian Douglas, should have peaceable access to him in his father?s Place of Roslin, and that he should duly appear before the Lords of Council to underlie the law with reference to a family dispute. (? Reg. of Council.?) Their descendant, William, last heir in the direct male line, died in 17;s. A collateral branch was his cupbearer, Lord Fleming his carver, and these had as deputies, in their absence, the Lairds of Drummelzier, Sandilands, and Calder. His halls and apartments were richly adorned with embroidered hanging, and to the state adopted by his ? princess Elizabeth ? we have already referred. The three sons of William, the third earl, conveyed the concentrated honours of the house in their respective lines. William, the eldest, inherited the title of Bpron Sinclair, and was ancestor of the Roslin, which was founded in the j-ear 1446 by the then lord, and dedicated to St. Matthew. Only the chancel of the edifice was completed, but a cruciform structure must have been contemplated. Though certainly squat in outline, all the rare beauties of the chapel are concentrated in the design and wonderfully varied character of its mouldings, buttresses, and incrustations. It bids defiance to all the theories of Gothic architecture. Britton calls it ? curious, elaborate, and singularly interesting; ? and, in comparing it with other edifices of the same period, he adds, ?These styles display a gradual advancement in lightness and profusion of ornament, but the chapel of Roslin combines the solidity of the Norman with the - raised in the year 1801 to the title of Earls of Rosslyn, in the peerage of the United Kingdom. James, second earl, succeeded in the year 1837, and now the Scottish seat of the family is at Dysart House, Fifeshire. The St. Clairs of Roslin, from the time of James 11. till they resigned the office in the last century, were the Grand Masters of Masonry in Scotland. It may seem almost superfluous to describe an edifice so well known as the exquisite chapel of ROSLIN CHAPEL :- NORTH FRONT.
Volume 6 Page 349
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