thirteen hundred acres, which he rented in Aberdeenshire,
and which, by his skill and industry, he
brought into a fine state of fertility. In the same
year he wrote his ?? Observations on the Means of
Exciting a Spirit of National Industry ? with regard
to agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisher;
es, and also several pamphlets on agricultural
subjects, which gained him a high reputation ; and
in 1780 the University of Aberdeen conferred upon
him the degree of LL.D.
quire into the state of the British fisheries in May,
1785, makes very honourable mention of Dr.
Anderson?s services ; but we do not find that he
was ever offered any remuneration, and he was
too high-spirited and purely disinterested to ask
for any.
After his return he resumed his literary labours
in various ways, and, among other schemes, brought
out a literary periodical called The Bee, or Literary
Week&IntelZigencer, which was current from Decem-
Quitting the farm, he returned to the vicinity of
Edinburgh, with a view to the education of his
large family, and partly to enjoy the literary society
which then existed there.
About that time he circulated a tract on the
establishment of the Scottish fisheries, with a view
to alleviate much distress which he had witnessed on
the coast of Aberdeenshire from the failure of the
crops in 1782.
This excited the attention of the Government,
and he was requested by the Treasury to survey
the western coasts of Scotland, and obtain information
on this important subject-a task which he
performed with enthusiasm in 1784
Thp report of the committee appointed to in-
ber, 1790, to January, 1794, and was very popular
in Edinburgh.
In 1797 he removed to London, where much
attention was paid to him by the Marquis of
Lansdowne, at whose request, in 1799, he started
a periodical, entitled Recreations in Agricdture.
The greatest portion of this work was written
by himself, but he pursued it no further than the
sixth volume, in March, 1802. From thenceforth,
with the exception of his correspondence
with General Washington and a pamphlet od
?Scarcity,? he was unable to write more; and,
feeling the powers of life begin to decline, devoted
his leisure to the cultivation of a miniature garden.
A list of his publications, thirty in number, is