Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


Maitland granting a charter to Robert Winton ?of the barony of Hirdmanston, called Curry.? (Robertson?s Index to Missing Charters.?) The present bridge of Currie is said to be above five hundred years old j and the dark pool below gave rise to the Scottish proverb concerning intense cunning-? Deep as Currie Brig.? Currie Church was an outpost of Corstorphine, and, with Fzla, fomied part of the property given by Mary of Gueldres to the Trinity College. NIDDRIE HOUSE. ?? Mr. Adam Letham, minister of Currie, 1568-76, to be paid as follows: his stipend jc li, with the Kirkland of Curry. Andrew Robeson, Reidare (Reader at Curry; his stipend xx lb., but (it., without) Kirkland? After the Reformation there was sometimes only In the seventeenth century, Mathew Leighton, nephew of the famous Archbishop of Glasgow, a prelate of singular piety and benevolence, was , one minister for four or five parishes. It was a benefice of the Archdean of Lothian. Even so late as the reign of Charles I., it does not appear to have been considered a separate parish from Corstorphine, for no mention is made of it in the royal decree for the brief erection of the see of Edinburgh, though all the adjoining parishes are noticed. Till within a few years, ironjougs hung at the north gate of Currie Churchyard, at Hermiston (which is a corruption of Herdmanstown), at Malleny, and at Buteland, near Balerno. Currie was one of the first rural places in Scotland which had a Protestant clergyman, as appears from the Register of Ministers,? published by the Maitland Club :- curate of Currie during the reign of Episcopacy ; and, singular to say, was not expelled from his incumbency at the Revolution in the year 1688, but died at an advanced age, and was interred in the church-yard, where his tomb is still an object of interest. The parsonage of Currie is referred to in an Act of Parliament, under JamesVI., in 1592; and Nether Currie is referred to in another Act, of date 1587, granted in favour of Mark, Lord Newbattle. Cleuchmaidstone is so named from being the pass to the chapel of St. Katherine in the valley below, and having a spring, in which, it is said, pilgrims bathed before entering it. Some parts of the parish are very elevated.
Volume 6 Page 332
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