Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


330 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Cunie. East of St. Katherine?s is a rising ground now called Grace Mount, and of old the Priest?s Hill, which probably. had some connection with the ,well and chapel. The Cromwellians, who destroyed the former, were a portion of 16,000 men, who were encamped on the adjacent Galachlaw Hill, in 1650, shortly before their leader fell back on his retreat to Dunbar. At the period of the Reformation the chapelry of Niddrie, with the revenues thereof, was attached to Liberton Church. Its founders, the Wauchopes of Niddrie, have had a seat in the parish for more than 500 years, and are perhaps the oldest family in Midlothian. Gilbert Wauchope of Niddrie was a distinguished member of the Reformation Parliament in 1560. On the 27th of December, 1591, Archibald Wauchope, of Niddrie, together with the Earl of Bothwell, Douglas of Spott, and others, made a raid on Holyrood, attempting the life of James VI., and after much firing of pistols and muskets were repulsed, according to Moyses? Memoirs, for which offence Patrick Crombie of Carrubber and fifteen others were forfeited by Parliament. Sir John Wauchope of Niddrie is mentioned by Guthry in his ? Memoirs,? as a zealous Covenanter. Niddrie House, a mile north of Edmonstone House, is partly an ancient baronial fortalice and partly a handsome modern mansion. The holly hedges here are thirty feet high, and there is a sycamore nineteen feet in circumference. In 1718 John Wauchope of Niddrie, Marischal, was slain in Catalonia. He and his brother were generals of. Spanish infantry, and the latter was governor of the town and fortress of Cagliari in Sardinia. We find the name of his regiment in the following obituary in I 7 I g :-?Died in Sicily, of fever, in the camp of Randazzo, Andrew, son of Sir George Seton of Garleton-suln-lieutenant in Irlandas Regiment, late Wauchope?s.? (Salmon?s ?Chronology.?) In 1718 one of the same family was at the seabattle of Passaro, captain of the San Francisco Arreres of twenty-two guns and one hundred men. Lediard?s History calls him simply ?Wacup, a Scotchman.? The other chapel referred to gives its name to the mansion and estate of St. Katherine?s, once the residence of Sir William Rae, Bart. of Eskgrove, the friend of Sir Walter Scott, who apostrophises him as his ?dear loved Rae,? in the introduction to the fourth canto of Marmion, and who, with Skene, Mackenzie, and others of the Old Edinburgh Light Horse, including Scott, formed themselves into a little semi-military club, the meetings of which were held at their family supper-tables in rotation. He was the third baronet of his family, and was appointed Lord Advocate in 1819, on the promotion of Lord Meadowbank, and held the office till the end of 1830. He was again Lord Advocate during Sir Robert Peel?s administration in 1835, and was M.P. for Bute. A little way to the south is a place called the Kaimes, which indicates the site of an ancient camp. We have already, in other places, referred to Mr. Clement Little, of Upper Liberton, a founder of the College Library, by a bequest of books thereto in 1580. Two years before that he appeared as procurator for the Abbot of Kilwinning, in a dispute between him and the Earl of Egliiiton (Priv. Coun. Reg). Lord Fountainhall records, under date May zznd, 1685, that the Lady of Little of Liberton, an active dame in the cause of the Covenant, was imprisoned for harbouring certain recusants, but that ? I on his entering into prison for her she was liberate.?? CHAPTER XXXIX. THE ENVIRONS OF EPINBURGH (rontinued). Cume-Origin of the Name-Roman Camps-% Old Church andTemple Lands-Lennox Tower-Curriehill Castle and the Skenes-Scott of Malleny-James Anderson, LL.D.-? Camp Meg ? and her Story. CURRIE, in many respects, is one of the most interesting places in the vicinity of Edinburgh. The parish is in extent about five or six miles in every direction, though in one quarter it measures nine miles from east to west.. One-third of the *hole district is hill and moorland. Freestone abounds in a quarry, from which many of the houses in the New Town have been built; and there is, besides, plenty of ironstone, and a small vein of copper. A Though antiquaries have endeavoured to connect its name with the Romrlns, as CO&, it is most probably dCrived from the Celtic Corrie, signifying a hollow or glen, which is very descriptive of the
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