Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


Colinton.1 VIEW FROM THE PENTLANDS. 325 opposite coast of Fife.? But the distant views of Edinburgh are all splendid alike. The northern slopes of these mountains command a clear view of one of the grandest and most varied landscapes in Scotland. ? The ndiiiberless villas in the vicinity of Edinof hills and elevated situations, useful as well as ornamental-protecting, not injuring, cultivation. . . . The expanse of the Forth, which forms the northern boundary, adds highly to the natural beauty of the scene; and the capital, situated upon an eminence, adjoining an exten- MAP OF THE ENYIWVNS OF EDINBURGH. burgh and gentlemen?s seats all over the country are seen, beautiful and distinct, each amidst its own plantations,? says a writer so far back as 1792, since which date great improvements have taken place. ?I These add still more to the embellishment of the scene from the manner in which they are disposed ; not in extended and thick plantations, which turn a country into a forest, and throw a gloom upon the prospect, but in clear and diversified lines, in clunips and hedgerows, or waving on the brows sive plain, rises proudly to the view and gives a dignity to the whole. Descending from the hills to the low country, the surface which had the appearance of a uniform plain undergoes a change remarkable to the eye. The fields are laid out in various directions according to the nature of the ground, which is unequal, irregular, and inclined to every point of the compass. The most part, however, lies upon a gentle slope, either to the north or to the south, in banks which are
Volume 6 Page 325
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