Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. VI


Leith.] CORNWALLIS?S REGIMENT. ?93 ?Are you uneasy about that fishing-party ? ? ?? No,? she replied, ?I had no thought of it.? After she had been asleep about an hour, she again exclaimed, in a dreadful fright : ?? I see the boat-it is going down ! ? Again the major awoke her, on which she said the second dream must have been suggested Chambers conceives that, unlike many anecdotes of this kind, Lady Clerk?s dream-story can be traced to an actual occurrence, which he quotes from the CaZcdoniaiz Mercury of I 734, and that the old lady had mistaken the precise year. In 1740-for the first time, probably, since the THE OLD TOLBOOTH, 1820. (&?er Slorcr.) by the first. But no rest n-as to be obtained by her, for again the dream returned, and she exclaimed, in extreme agony : ?They are gone !-the boat is sunk ! Then she added : ? Mr. Dacre must not go, for I feel that, should he go, I should be miserable till his return.? In short, on the strength of her treble dream, she induced their nephew to send a note of apology to his companions, who left Leith, but were caught in a storm, in which all perished. 121 days of Cromwell--we find regular troops quartered in Leith, when General Guest, commanding in Scotland, required the magistrates to find billets in North and South Leith for certain companies of Brigadier Cornwallis?s regiment, latterly the I I th Foot. Previous to 1745, the only place where troops could be accommodated in a body at Leith was in the old Tolbooth About that time, Robert Douglas,
Volume 6 Page 193
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