Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


68 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Water of Leith. up against the dark green of the stately trees around and behind it. In this institution above ninety boys and girls are maintained, and its benefits are not confined to any district of Scotland. When admitted, they must be of the age of seven, and not above ten years. They are taught :reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography. The hospital has been maintained almost solely from &e charity of the public. pleasure-grounds of the old Dean House, and was formed in 1845. It is principally disposed on the steep and finely-wooded bank of the Water of Leith, and underwent great extension and some new embellishment in 1872. It contains the ashes of many distinguished Scotsmen, including Lords Cockburn, Jeffrey, Murray, and Rutherford, Professor Wilson, and near him his son-in-law, William Here are the graves of 1 Edmonstoun Aytoun. WATSON?S, ORPHANS?, AND STEWART?S HOSPITALS, FROM DRUMSHEUGH GROUNDS, 1859. (After a Drawing 6y Georgc Simron.) Near it, and north-westward of Bell?s Mills, -stands John Watson?s Hospital, built in I 825-8, irom a very plain design by Williani Burn. It is a spacious edifice, with a Donc portico, and maintains and educates about 120 children. This charity takes its rise from the funds of John Watson, W.S., who, in the year 1759, conveyed his whole property to trustees, Lord Milton and Mr. Mackenzie of Delvin, W.S., who managed their trust so well that, though in 1781 it only amounted to A4,721 5s. 6d., by 1823 it exceeded &go,ooo. It is built on ground which belonged of old to the estate of Dean. The Dean Cemetery, the most beautiful of the .cemeteries of Edinburgh, occupies the site and Edward Forbes the naturalist, Goodsir the anatomist, Allan, Scott, and Sam Bough, the painters, Playfair the architect and the sculptor, and William Brodie, RSA. In a corner near the east gate is buried George Combe, the eminent phrenologist, author of the ?? Constitution of Man,? who died in Surrey in 1858 ; and under a stately memorial of red Yeterhead granite, thirty-six feet in height, lies Alexander Russel, editor of The Scotsntnn. In the centre of the ground stands a tall obelisk, erected to the memory of the soldiers of the Cameron Highlanders ; and not far from it, a tomb, inscribed with all his battles, marks the grave of Major Thomas Canch, whose valour at the assault
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