Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


The Water of Leith.] CEMETERY. VIEWS IN THE DEAN CEMETERY. (Secjuof-note,p. 70.)
Volume 5 Page 69
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70 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Water of Leith. of Badajoz is extolled by Napier, and who died fort major of Edinburgh Castle. On the opposite side of the path, a modest stone marks the spot where lies Captain John Grant, the last survivor of the old Peninsula Gordon Highlanders, who covered the retreat at Alba de Tormes, and was the last officer to quit the town. Near it is the grave of Captain Charles Gray of the Royal Marines, the genial author of so many Scottish songs ; and perhaps one of the most interesting interments of recent years was that of Lieutenant John Irving, R.N. (son of John Irving, W.S., the schoolfellow and intimate friend of Sir Walter Scott), one of the officers of the ill-fated Franklin expedition, who died in 1848 or 1849, and whose remains were sent home by Lieutenant Sohwatka, of the United States Navy, and laid in the Dean Cemetery in January, 1881, after a grand naval and military funeral, in accordance with his rank as Lieutenant of the Royal Navy." CHAPTER VII. VALLEY OF THE WATER OF LEITH (continlced). The Dean Bridge-Landslips at Stockbridge-Stone Coffins-Floods in the Leith-Population in 174a-St. Bemard's Estate-Ross's Tower -I' Christopher North" in Anne Street-De Quincey there-%. Bernard's Well-Cave at Randolph Cliff-Veitch's Square-Chuiches in. the Localit$-Sir Henry Raebm-Old Deanhiugh-House. ABOUT a hundred yards west by north of Randolph Crescent this deep valley is spanned by a stately bridge, built in 1832, after designs by Telford. This bridge was erected almost solely at the expense of the Lord Provost Learmonth of Dean, to form a direct communication with his property, with a view to the future feuing of the latter. It was when an excavation was made for its northern pier that the Roman urn was found of which an engraving will be seen on page 10 of the first volume of this work. Over the bridge, the roadway passes at the great height of 106 feet above the rocky bed of the stream. The arches are four in number, and each is ninety-six feet in span. The total length is 447 feet, the breadth thirty-nine feet between the parapets, from which a noble view of the old Leith village, with its waterfall, is had to the westward, while on the east the eye travels along the valley to the distant spires of the seaport. That portion of it adjoining Stockbridge is still very beautiful and picturesque, but was far more so in other days, when, instead of the plain back Views of Moray Place and Ainslie Place, the steep green bank was crowned by the stately trees of Drumsheugh Park, and tangled brakes of bramble and sweet-smelling hawthorn overhung the water of the stream, which was then pure, and in some places abounded with trout. Unconfined by stone walls, 'the long extent of the mill-lade here was then conveyed in great wooden ducts, raised upon posts. These ducts were generally leaky, and being patched and mended from time to time, and covered with emerald-green moss and garlands of creepers and water-plants, added to the rural aspect of the glen. Between the bridge and the mineral well, a great saugh tree, shown in one of; Ewbank's views, overhung the lade and footpath,. imparting fresh beauty to the landscape. '' At Stockbridge," says the Edinburgh Advertiser for 1823, '' we cannot but regret that the rage for building is fast destroying the delightful scenery between it and the neighbouring village of the: Water of Leith, which had so long been a prominent ornament in the envGons of our ancient city." At the southern end of the bridge, where Randolph Cliff starts abruptly up, dangerous landslips have more than once occurred ; one notably so in March, 1881, when a mass of rock and earth fell down, and completely choked up the lade which drives the Greenland, Stockbridge, and Canonmills, flour-mills. At the north-westem end of the bridge is the Trinity Episcopal Church, built in 1838, from a. design by John Henderson, in the later English style, with nave, aisles, and a square tower. To the north-eastward an elegant suburb extends away down the slope until it joins Stockbridge, comprising crescents, terraces, and streets, built between 1850 and 1877. The following is a detailed explanation of the woodcut on the previous page :-I, View looking along the West Wall, showing, on the right, the monument to Buchanan, founder of the Buchanan Institute, Glasgow, and on the extreme left, the grave of Mr. Ritchie, of Tlu Smlmruz (the pyramid at further end of walk is Lord Rutherford's tomb, and Lord Cockbum's is near to it); z, Sir Archibald Alison's gave (the larger of the Gothic mural tablets in white marble): 3, Grave of George Combe ; 1, Monument to Alexander Russel, Editor >f T/u Scoismm; 5, Tomb, on extreme left, of Lord Rutherford, next to it that of Lord Jeffrey, the Runic Cross in the path is erected to. Lieut. Irving of the Franklin Expedition; 6, Grave of Prof. W%on :obelisk under tree), and of Prof. Aytoun (marble pedestal with crose >U top).
Volume 5 Page 70
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