Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


Wright?s Houes.] WRYCHTISHOUSIS. 3.1 the genealogist of the Napier family conceives, with great probability, that the property was held by the tenure of payment to the king of a silver penny yearly upon the CasfZe aiZZ of Edinburgh. The edifice to which we refer was undoubtedly one of the oldest, and by far the most picturesque, baronial dwelling in the neighbourhood of the city ; and blending as it did the grim old feudal tower of the twelfth or thirteenth century with more ornate additions of the Scoto-French style of later years, it must have formed-even in the tasteless age that witnessed its destruction-a pleasing and striking feature from every part of the landscape broken, and the whole of them dispersed. Among those we have examined,? says Wilson, ?there is one now built into the doorway of Gillespie?s School, having a tree cut on it, bearing for fruit the stars and crescents of the family arms, and the inscription, DOMINUS EST ILLUMINATIO MEA ; another, placed over the hospital wall, has this legend below a boldly cut heraldic device, CONSTANTIA ET LABORE, 1339. On two others, now at Woodhouselee, are the following: BEATUS VIR QUI SPERAT IN DEO, 1450, and PATRIE ET POSTERIS, 1513, The only remains of this singular mansion that have escaped , the general wreck,? he adds, ?? are the sculptured THE AVENUE, BRUNTSFIELD LlNKS. around it, especially when viewed from Bruntsfield Links against a sunset sky. One of the dates upon it was 1339, four years after the battle of the Burghmuir, wherein the Flemings were routed under Guy of Narnur. Above a window was the date 1376, with the legend, SICUT OLIVA FRUCTIFERA. Another bore, IN DOMINO CONFIDO, 1400. Singular to say, the arms over the principal door were those of Britain after the union of the crowns. Emblems of the Virtues were profusely carved on different parts of the building, and in one was a rude representation of our first parents, with the distich- ?Quhen Adam delved, and Eve span, Quhair war a? the gentles than ? ? There were also heads of Julius jhsar and Octavius Secundus, in fine preservation. ? Many of these sculptures were recklessly defaced and 101 pediments and heraldic carvings buiit into the boundary-walls of the hospital, and a few others, which were secured by the late Lord Woodhouselee, and now adorn a ruin on Mr. Tytler?s estate at the Pentlands.? Arnot mentions, without proof, that this house was built for the residence of a mistress of Jams IV.; but probably he had never examined the dates upon it. It is impossible to discover the origin of the name now ; though Maitland?s idea, that it was derived from certain wnghfs, or carpenters, dwelling there while cutting down the oaks on the Burghmuir is far-fetched indeed. One of the heraldic sculptures indicated an alliance betxeen a Laird of Wrychtishouse and a daughter of the neighbouring Lord of Merchiston, in the year 1513. In 1581, William Napier of the former place became caution in LI,OOO for the appearance and
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