Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


Univmity,] THE MUSEUMS. 27 brated cavalier-poet, bequeathed his entire library to the University, and the gift is deemed a valuable one, from the rare specimens of our early literature which enriches the collection. Among the chief donors whose gifts are extensive and valuable may be named Principal Adamson, Dr. Robert Johnston, the Rev. James Nairne of Wemyss, Dr. John Stevenson, who held the chair of Logic and Metaphysics from 1730 till 1774, Dr. William Thomson, Professor of Anatomy at Oxford ; and in 1872 the library received a very valuable donation from J. 0. Halliwell, the eminent Shaksperian critic, a collection of works relating to Shakspere, and formed by him at great cost. The average collection of the university extends to about 150,000 volumes, and 700 volumes of MSS. The university possesses above seventy valuable portraits and busts of ancient and modern alumni, most of which are kept in the Senate Hall and librar).. The latter possesses a fine copy of Fordun?s Sotichronicon (on vellum) in folio, from which Goodall?s edition of 1775 was printed. The Museum of Natural History was established in 1812, in connection Kith the university, and contains a most valuable zoological, geological, and mineralogical collection, the greater portion of which was formed by the exertions of Professor Robert Jamieson, who was fifty years Professor of Natural History (from 1804 to 1854) and Regius keeper of the museum. In 1854 it was transferred by the Town Council (at that time patrons of the university) to Government, under whose control it has since remained. The whole of the collections have been now removed to the Natural History department of the adjoining museum of Science and Art ; but are available for the educational purposes of the university, and are freely accessible to the students of the natural history class. The Anatomical Museum was founded in 1800 by Dr. Alexander Monro secz~~zdus, who presented his own anatomical collection and that of his father to the University, ? to be used by his future successors in office, for the purpose of demonstrating and explaining the structure, physiology, and diseases of the human body.? In 1859 Sir David Monro, M.D., presented a considerable collection of anatomical preparations, formed by his talented father, Dr. Alexander Monro teyfiw. Many valuable additions have been made since then ; among them, some by the late John Goodsir, Professor of Anatomy, 1846-1867, more especially iii the comparative department ; and since his death the Senatus purchased from his representatives his private museum and added it to the collection, which now contains many thousand specimens illustrative of human anatomy, both normal and pathological, and of comparative anatomy. There are minor museums in connection with the classes of natural philosophy, midwifery, materia medica and botany, and one was recently constructed by Professor Geikie for the use of the geological class. In October, 1881, nearly the whole of the great anatomical collection referred to here, including the skeletons of the infamous Burke and one of his victims known as ?? Daft Jamie,? was removed from the old to the new University buildings at huriston. REFERENCES TO THE PLAN ON PAGE 21. A, Entrance ; B E, Passages ; c c, Stairs to Divinity Class and Janitors? Houses ; D D, Porters? Lodges ; E, Faculty Room or Senatus Academicus ; F, Professor?s House ; c, Principal?s House ; H, Professo<s How : J, Professor?s House : K, Chemistry Class: L, Preparation Room: H, Professor of Chemistry?s House; N, Stairs to Gallery and Upper Preparation Room of Chemistry Class ; 0, Royal Society ; P, Lobby to Royal Society : Q, Camage-way to Great Court : R, Arcades for footpassengers : s s s s, Corridors of Communication : T T, Lobby and Class for Practice of Physick : U, Civil Law Class Room ; w, Preparation Room or Anatomical Museum; xx, Anatomical Theatre and Lobby ; Y Y U, Painting Rooms and private m m : z, Great Hall for Graduations, Lc., with Loggia and two staircases to the Galleries above; a, Class for the Theory of Physick ; b, Mathematical Class, Professor?s Room, Instrument Room, Lobby, &c. ; c, Universal History and Antiquity Class, with the Professor?s Room: d, Class and Lobby for the Professor of Humanity ; e, Museum for Natural History ; f, Class for Natural History ; g, Guard Hall and Lobby : h, Librarian?s House ; i, Professor?s How; k, Profe.swr df Divinity?s House. The Houses marked F, H, J, and i arc to be possessed by the Professors of Humanity, Greek, Hebrew, and Mathematics CHAPTER 111. THE DISTRICT OF THE BURGHMUIR. The Muster by James 111.-Burghmuir feued by James lV.-Muster before Flodden-Relics thereof-The Pest-The Skirmish of Lowsie Low- A Duel in 17zz-Valleyfield House and Leven Lodge-Barclay Free Church-Bruntsfield Links and the Golf Clubs. THE tract of the Burghmuir, of which the name alone remains, and which extended from the water of the South loch on the north, to the foot of the almost unchanged Braid Hills on the south ; from Dalry on the west, to St. Leonard?s Craigs on the east, formed no inconsiderable portion of the
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28 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Burghmuir. great forest of Drumsheugh, wherein the white. bull, the Caledonian boar, the elk and red deer roamed, and where broken and lawless men had their haunt in later times. Yet some clearances of timber must have been made there before 1482, when James Iii. mustered on it, in July, 50,000 men under the royal standad for an invasion of England, which brought about the rebellious raid of Lauder. On the 6th October, 1508, his son James IV., by a charter Among those who then got lands here were Sir Alexander Lauder of Blyth, Provost of the City, and George Towers of the line of Inverleith, whose name was long connected with the annals of the city. It was on this ground-the Campus Martius of the Scottish hosts-that James IV. mustered, in the summer of 1513, an army of IOO,OOO men, the most formidable that ever marched against England; and a fragment of the hare-stane, or bore- THE LIBRARY AAI.I., EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY. under the Great Seal, leased the Burghmuir to the council and community of Edinburgh (City Charters, I 143-1540) empowering them to farm and cIear it of wood, which led to the erection within the city of those quaint timber-fronted houses, many of which still remain in the closes and wynds, and even in the High Street. In 1510 we find, from the Burgh Records, that the persons to whom certain acres were let there, were bound to build thereon ?dwelling-houses, malt-barns, and cow-bills, and to have servants for the making of malt betwixt (30th April) and Michaelmas, I 5 I 2 ; and failing to do so, to pay to the common works of the town; and also to pay 6 5 for every acre of the three acres set to them.? stane, in which the royal standard was planted, on this and many similar occasions, is still preserved, and may be seen built into a wall, at Banner Place, near Morningside Church. As Drummond records, the place was then ? spacious and made delightful by the shade of many stately and aged oaks.? ?? There were assembled,? says Pitscottie, ? all his earls, lords, barons, and burgesses ; and all manner of men between sixty and sixteen, spiritual and temporal, burgh and land, islesmen and others, to the number of a hundred thousand, not reckoning carriagemen and artillerymen, who had charge of fifty shot-cannons.? When some houses were built in the adjacent School Lane in 1825, hundreds
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