Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


168 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith. and cleaning the channel of the river at Leith. (Burgh Records.) In 1510, on the 9th March, James IV. granted to the city of Edinburgh the port denominated the New Haven, which he had lately formed on the seacoast, with the lands thereunto belonging, lying between the chapel of St. Nicholas at North Leith and the lands of Wardie Brae, with certain faculties and privileges ; and by another charter of the same date he confinned that by Logan of Restalrig, formerly mentioned. ship laden with timber laid her cargo on the shore,. as sold to the Provost and bailies; then came Robert Bartoun, of Overbarton, called the Controller, with a multitude of the men of Leith, and ?? masterfullie tuik the said tymmyr ? from the treasurer and a bailie, which caused the Lords of Council to issue a decree as to the privileges of the city and the seaport, and that none but freemen . were at liberty to buy from or sell to strangers at the said port in time to come. Fresh disputes about similar affairs seem to have 1 HALFWAY HOUSE, LEITH WALK. In the followeing year eight mn, whose names are recorded, were sworn on the holy evangels as pioneers, to labour and serve the merchants at the port and haven of Leith, and to keep ? the shore clear of middings, fulzie, and sic stufe.? In 1514 the tapsters and wine dealers in Leith were summoned before the magistrates of Edinburgh for injuring the privileges thereof by the sale of wine within the sea-port. Three years after this we find the Laird of Restalrig entering a protest with regard to an arrestment made on the shore of Leith, and maintaining that it should not prejudice his rights as Baron of Restalrig. It would seem that in 1517 a Dutch occurred between the same parties in 1522-3, and we find George, abbot of Holyrood, entering a protest that whatever took place between them it should not be to the prejudice of the Holyrood. (Burgh Records.) In 1528 a vessel belonging to the town, called the Portuguese barque-most probably a prize captured by the famous fighting Bartons of Leith -was ordered to be sold to ? thaise that will gif the maist penny thairfore?-i.e., to the highest bidder. Two years afterwards Leith was afflicted by a pestilence, and all intercourse between it and the city was strictly forbidden, under pain of banishment from the latter for ever.
Volume 5 Page 168
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