Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


160 OLD -4ND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith Walk. on the verge of destitution ; and DIsraeli writes of him thus in his ? Calamities of Authors ? :- ?? It was one evening I saw a tall, famished, melancholy man enter a bookseller?s shop, his hat flapped over his eyes, his whole frame evidently feeble from exhaustion and utter misery. The bookseller inquired how he proceeded with his tragedy ? ? Do not talk to me about my tragedy I Do not talk to me about my tragedy! I have, indeed, more tragedy than I can bear at home,? was Now all the ground eastward of the Walk to the Easter Road is rapidly being covered by new streets, and the last of the green fields there has well-nigh disappeared, Between the North British Goods Station and Lorne Street the ground fronting the Walk belongs to the Governors of Heriot?s Hospital, while the ground between the latter and the Easter Road is the property of the Trinity Hospital. The ground in these districts has been feued at from A105 to Arzo per acre, for tene- GREENSIDE CHURCH, FROM LEOPOLD PLACE. his reply, and his voice faltered as he spoke. This man was ? Mathew Bramble ?-Macdonald, the author of ?Vimonda,? at that moment the writer of comic poetry ! ? D?Israeli then refers to his seven children, which, however, is an error, as he had but one child, whom, with his Wife, he left in utter indigence, whenafter the privations to which he had been subjected had a fatal effect on a naturally weak constitution- he died, in 1788, in the thirty-third year of his age. A volume of his sermons, published soon after his death, met with a favourable reception ; and in 1791 appeared his ?Miscellaneous Works,?in one volume, containing all his dramas, with ? Probationary Odes for the Laureateship,? and other pieces. ments four storeys in height, at an average value each of from A1,8oo to Az,ooo. Many of these streets are devoid of architectural features, and meant for the residence of artisans. The Heriot feus have tenements valued at from .&3,000 to A4,000, and contain houses of five and nine apartments, with ranges of commodious shops on the ground-floor. During the changes here the old bum of Greenside has also been dealt with; and instead of meandering, as heretofore, towards where of old the Lawer Quarry Holes lay-latterly in an offensive and muddy course-it is carried in a culvert, which will be turned to account as a main drain for the locality. In the map of 1804 the upper part of Leith. ?
Volume 5 Page 160
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